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Jun Somi Shows Of Her Build Novel Lamborghini

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Article: 'Young as well as rich' Jun Somi's automobile = 250 1000000 own? twenty twelvemonth one-time drives the automobile of her dreams

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+505, -48] I do mean value it was ameliorate for her to leave of absence solo than a group. She's sort of the type that stands out on her own. She's making skilful plenty coin exterior of JYP so.

2. [+428, -135] At the goal of the day, Somi is making to a greater extent than coin every bit a solo than nether Twice amongst a ton of CFs as well as all. As for Twice these days, well...

3. [+410, -47] I don't mean value articles similar this volition help her career at all. I've also noticed that ever since she left JYP, JYP fans haven't been supportive of her determination to leave of absence to YG either.

4. [+58, -11] I don't know anyone around me who likes Somi hence how is she e'er landing CFs as well as who's buying her cars similar this?

5. [+24, -8] Am I the alone ane who finds her uncomfortable?? She's hence immature as well as even hence so arrogant, has spent to a greater extent than of her career on TV than every bit a solo singer, as well as I loathe her to a greater extent than for joining YG every bit good (and on a personal note, I'm tired of her aspect upwards too. How is that the aspect upwards of a twenty twelvemonth one-time ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ She's going to hold back precisely similar Ida Daussy inward five years) ㅋㅋ

6. [+24, -9] We're non some communist nation, she does non demand your permission to ride that car, you lot jealous haters

7. [+23, -2] If I were her, I would non endure bragging most my automobile on TV similar this fifty-fifty if it was a Lamborghini. I'd rather demo sides of myself that I mean value the populace volition similar but she's non real calculating inward that regard ㅋㅋ a celebrity is all most the ikon they portray as well as she's non real realistic most that ㅎㅎ peradventure she's every bit good immature as well as naive yet

8. [+20, -1] I sympathise wanting to demo off your automobile since it's non every twenty twelvemonth one-time that gets to attain something this big... but I bring to ask, is it necessary at a fourth dimension similar this? She seems hence immature as well as thoughtless.

9. [+17, -2] Enough's plenty ㅡㅡ she's nil but a bubble

10. [+16, -0] I estimate she's working plenty to endure able to hold this car. Daebak. Celebrities brand hence much simply for getting their elevate out there.


Source: Nate

1. [+5,456, -174] ㅋ Celebrity income tiers are on some other degree imagine someone who simply barely turned twenty driving a automobile worth over 200 1000000 won...

2. [+4,279, -784] She's actually showing how immature as well as naive she is to endure showing off an import automobile at a fourth dimension similar this

3. [+4,114, -121] Yup, I'd rather worry most myself inward the fourth dimension I'm worrying most celebrities..

4. [+496, -11] That makes me mean value that Kim Sejung acting all uncomplicated as well as frugal on 'I Live Alone' is staged ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+471, -8] This is insane... as well as hence celebrities leave of absence as well as whine most feeling depressed or whatever as well as pissing off the remainder of us society drones

6. [+393, -51] She can't fifty-fifty donate at a fourth dimension similar this as well as she's instead acting encephalon dead past times showing off a 200 1000000 won car. Just nigh upwards as well as alive quietly.

7. [+329, -22] Another celebrity proving they bring an empty encephalon at a fourth dimension similar this..

8. [+293, -14] This is why people volition do anything to larn a celebrity. A Lamborghini at 20... amazing.

9. [+281, -12] But has she been successful inward anything that makes her deserve a Lamborghini??? I don't mean value she was that large fifty-fifty amongst IOI.

10. [+169, -6] I actually don't aid at all. I'm hence bored of her because she's basically shown all at that spot is to her past times now. She's non fifty-fifty talented hence I don't hold back frontward to her stages either. She should halt wasting fourth dimension on diversity shows as well as leave of absence exercise on edifice her skills.


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