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Maddox Opts To Remain Domicile Inwards The States Amongst Solid Unit Of Measurement Due To Yonsei Closing For Coronavirus

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Article: 'Yonsei University student' Maddox leaves Korea due to corona19 to hold out amongst his woman bring upwards Jolie

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+2,401, -106] Maddox-ya, Korea is safer, you lot should hold out the 1 calling your woman bring upwards hither

2. [+1,720, -30] When you're living inwards a unusual province all past times yourself, it's understandable to immature lady your woman bring upwards the most. Jolie donated 1.2 billion won to fighting the coronavirus equally well.

3. [+62, -5] No affair how much safer Korea is, household unit of measurement volition yet desire to hold out together.. Dox-ya, brand certain you lot convey habitation a lot of privy paper. We receive got tons hither ㅋㅋ

4. [+43, -0] As a mother, I'm certain she wants all her children inside arm's accomplish Dox-ya, accept help of your woman bring upwards together with come upwards dorsum to Korea to written report difficult when things settle downward ^^

5. [+31, -0] Oh come upwards on, the privy newspaper materials does non apply to a household unit of measurement equally rich equally theirs ㅋㅋㅋ They tin patently conk VIP handling at hospitals together with pay extra for privy newspaper when it comes downward to it.

6. [+29, -0] He genuinely hasn't been inwards Korea at all because schoolhouse dates kept getting postponed. The article championship sounds similar he ran away because of corona or something.

7. [+23, -0] Your mother's encompass is the safest house inwards the world

8. [+22, -0] It doesn't genuinely affair where it's safest or virtually dangerous. All that matters is beingness amongst family...

9. [+16, -0] It's in all likelihood safer for Maddox together with his household unit of measurement to come upwards to Korea than it is for him to hold out staying inwards the US

10. [+15, -0] It was in all likelihood then lonely for him to hold out all lone amongst the schools unopen ㅡㅡㅋ together with what's Angelina Jolie supposed to create inwards Korea? Not similar she has whatever friends hither or speaks the language.

11. [+15, -0] Dox-ya, it's safer hither ㅠㅠ

12. [+13, -1] Korea's safer, convey your mother

13. [+13, -2] We receive got lots of privy newspaper equally good fifty-fifty 1+1 sales


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