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Police's Arrest Warrant For Yang Hyun Suk Inwards Encompass Upwards Of Bi's Drug Investigation Gets Returned Past Times Prosecution

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Article: Yang Hyun Suk nether suspicion of roofing upwards BI's drug investigation, constabulary asking of arrest warrant 'returned' yesteryear the prosecution

Source: Dominicus News via Nate

1. {+2,218, -21] There's a argue Seungri's e'er smiling

2. [+2,083, -17] Rotten, simply rotten

3. [+1,924, -11] This is really huge

4. [+90, -3] And nosotros actually trust the prosecutors to properly investigate the nth room scandal? ㅋㅋㅋ I can't fifty-fifty express mirth at the ridiculousness of it, tsk tsk

5. [+75, -2] What is YG? As if Seungri staying out of jail isn't mysterious plenty already, what form of network produce they bring that the entire legal strength is at their feet?

6. [+49, -1] How much coin has YG fed the prosecutors that every arrest warrant gets returned for Seungri, Yang Hyun Suk, too anyone else nether their agency?

7. [+42, -2] Pathetic ba$tards. Imagine studying all your lives simply to play slave to to a greater extent than or less entertainer clowns ㅋㅋㅋ pathetic, really

8. [+38, -3] And how much was exchanged?

9. [+24, -1] As expected, the prosecutors are on YG too Yang Hyun Suk's side. No wonder getting Seungri inwards jail has been too thence difficult.

10. [+23, -0] We actually bespeak proper investigations for the nth room to Burning Sun, simply all of it... how are nosotros a country...


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