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Exo Chen Welcomes The Nascency Of His Babe Daughter

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Article: EXO Chen, marriage ceremony -> nativity timeline... prevarication exposed subsequently iii months

Source: Top Star News via Nate

1. [+1,525, -65] Why does SM defend all of their idols that crusade scandals when fifty-fifty fans convey turned their backs?

2. [+1,353, -74] Please leave of absence EXO

3. [+1,289, -75] ㅋㅋ He doesn't fifty-fifty convey a feel of shame. Leave the grouping in addition to larn solo. Who would desire to fangirl over a dad?

4. [+145, -3] Why would he fifty-fifty bother denying whatever of it?? He should've but been honest nearly the pregnancy. People tin calculate the truth for themselves using the trimester months...

5. [+141, -7] Even Sunye's amend than him, at to the lowest degree she left the group

6. [+126, -2] Luna Hee Jun denied pregnancy also but await at them, they're on diversity shows now. I intend Chen's going to follow his lead. He'll hold out on 'Superman Returns' inward 2 years.

7. [+107, -3] I'm non a fan but I tin encounter why EXO fans are thus upset. Instead of lying in addition to making upwards excuses to exit of the immediate peril facing him, he should've but been honest in addition to genuine.

8. [+84, -1] We're non proverb that but because someone's a father, they don't deserve fans. Rain has gotten married in addition to has kids of his ain but he yet has loving fans. It's because Chen lied to his ain fans because he was thus scared of losing his ain popularity in addition to straightaway he's reaping what he sowed.

9. [+79, -3] He was going to larn abhor anyway, he should've but been honest. He knew the truth would eventually come upwards out in addition to straightaway fans are fifty-fifty madder in addition to giving him to a greater extent than hate. Why would yous prevarication nearly something that would thus easily hold out exposed... He was already past times the indicate of salvaging anything dorsum then.

10. [+68, -1] Lying to the fans was crossing the line...


Article: EXO Chen, infant daughter born today... infirmary homepage crashes due to 'hot attention'

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+244, -3] Why bother lying nearly something that volition hold out revealed inward iii months??? So he tin larn less abhor during those iii months?? Feels similar he's lying whatever fourth dimension he opens his rima oris now... And all this time, I idea fans were going also far alongside him, but seeing equally how he's been lying from starting fourth dimension to end.. jeez, leaving the grouping would hold out to a greater extent than helpful to them at this point.

2. [+214, -4] Was the infirmary sponsored for him too? Amazing

3. [+153, -3] I don't intend whatever of that attending is skilful attending ㅋㅋ

4. [+26, -1] How embarrassing, fifty-fifty having your infirmary sponsored ㅠㅠ What pisses me off to a greater extent than is that he's alone able to have these sponsorships because of the EXO name. No wonder fans desire him out of the group.

5. [+26, -1] Hospital sponsorship ㅋㅋㅋ he totally views his fans equally fools

6. [+25, -1] Is he that poor? ㅋㅋㅋ What form of idol receives a infirmary sponsorshop for the nativity of his ain kid ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ that's actually daebak. So are they using the VIP motherhood ward for free? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+16, -0] Yup, he tin leave of absence

8. [+14, -1] Trash character

9. [+5, -1] If he had but been honest from the beginning, he'd hold out getting less abhor past times the fourth dimension of this birth... why would yous mar the happiness of your ain child's nativity alongside abhor for your lies...


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