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Girls' Alarm Announces They Are Disbanding

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Article: Girl grouping Girls Alert disbands... "all fellow member contracts terminated due to coronavirus" [official statement]

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+484, -14] I had no thought they existed. Not a loathe comment, I'm beingness honest;

2. [+339, -11] I gauge the coronavirus helped them out inwards this case. It's obvious they were never going to final every bit a daughter grouping thus it's improve to disband them chop-chop together with allow them honour roughly other path.

3. [+215, -6] I'm simply wondering whether Sonamoo has been disbanded or not. No word on them for iii years. They had an album inwards 2017 together with thus nothing. TS has thus many problems. Gugudan, DIA, no word for 203 years either. At to the lowest degree loose them from their contracts if you're non going to issue novel albums for them. Pristin was eventually disbanded afterwards beingness left on the backburner too.

4. [+19, -0] Girls Alert, Loona, Moonlight Girls, Girl Girl, Girlfriend, G-Idle, they all audio the same

5. [+11, -0] They're non beingness invited to events to brand whatsoever coin but the members are all the same racking upwards expenses... I gauge the coronavirus fifty-fifty affects inwards ways similar this

6. [+7, -0] Girls Alert??

7. [+6, -1] Blaming the coronavirus ㅋ

8. [+6, -0] I'm hearing nearly this grouping for the get-go fourth dimension today..... non a loathe comment

9. [+6, -0] Pretty distressing that most people are finding out nearly them through word of their disbandment

10. [+5, -0] This grouping is simply a flop. If anything, the coronavirus should hold upwards helping them since people are staying dwelling identify together with listening to to a greater extent than music.


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