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Goo Hara's Blood Brother Reveals Their Estranged Woman Bring Upward Is Bespeak For An Equal Dissever Of The Estate

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Article: Goo Hara oppa, "Birth woman nurture appeared afterward xx years as well as is bespeak for 5:5 dissever of estate"

Source: Money Today via Nate

1. [+3,545, -17] I promise the nascency woman nurture doesn't fifty-fifty teach a cent. I promise her identity gets leaked as well as she gets embarrassed for the residue of her life.

2. [+3,066, -10] You don't teach to travel a woman nurture merely because you lot gave birth... she's a devil

3. [+2,458, -9] I'll punch her oral cavity in

4. [+125, -0] If you lot rank upward your parental rights, you lot should likewise travel giving upward whatever rights to their estate. Not caring for your ain nestling eliminates whatever rights you lot accept over them. If she gets to accept it her way, as well as thus that agency surrogate mothers as well as egg donors teach to need their parental rights equally well.

5. [+83, -2] Just give away that ajumma's confront already. She should demo herself if she's thus self assured of her rights.

6. [+62, -0] I don't know how you lot tin rank the axe travel demanding coin when your ain missy ended her life, non fifty-fifty from an accident...

7. [+56, -0] So she had no work giving upward her parental rights but she can't rank upward the estate? Especially when she ended her life inwards such a tragic way? I promise the police pull gets changed shortly thus that this doesn't hap again.

8. [+40, -1] How is she human? How tin rank the axe you lot produce this equally a human being? As a mother...?

9. [+37, -0] Goosebumps... no contact all her life as well as forthwith all she wants is money, money, coin afterward the funeral... She fifty-fifty brought her lawyer inwards amongst a recording machine? Our police pull is thus sh*t.

10. [+26, -7] Enough amongst this bull, the estate 100% belongs to Goo Hara as well as her oppa


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