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Gugudan's Mina Speaks Out Against Diet Civilization As Well As Beauty Standards

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Article: Gugudan Mina, "Being skinny is the best? You tin alive your life similar that" criticism

Source: Sports World via Nate

When a viewer brought upward her sparkling H2O diet, Mina replied, "I tried the diet myself thus I know that it's actually bad. I talked close the diet to tell people non to e'er produce it, non to country 'everyone should endeavor it.' I experience upset whenever I instruct questions close dieting. Being skinny isn't the measure for beauty, right? You're non pretty merely for beingness skinny together with you're non ugly merely for beingness fat." When a viewer commented back, "But I all the same prefer skinny", Mina replied, "Then yous tin alive your life similar that."

1. [+1,490, -406] Then why did she lose weight herself..? ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+1,326, -335] Her words don't jibe her actions... She should make her weight dorsum then.

3. [+128, -31] I similar Mina but her words are hypocritical. She lost weight when she was chubby to last prettier. She tin country this materials if she goes dorsum to her former weight.

4. [+110, -30] Sounds similar she's suffering from the same illness equally Ha Yeon Soo -_-

5. [+99, -21] Why's her mental attitude similar this to somebody who wants to last skinny when she herself went through a rigorous diet to brand to a greater extent than money?

6. [+88, -32] That's quite c*cky of her attitude

7. [+75, -19] I don't intend people are agreement what she's saying. When Kang Mina was inwards the tidings for her sparkling H2O diet, she realized how bad it was for her wellness together with how much she regretted it. She's directly gained a fleck to a greater extent than weight since thus but alongside people telling her that they all the same prefer beingness 'skinny', she'd rather they intend what they desire at that point. She's non maxim all of dieting is bad, she's merely maxim that she went to the extremes equally a celebrity together with would rather non recommend such unhealthy methods to non-celebrities.

8. [+64, -49] She's right. We actually require to instruct rid of the notion that yous tin alone last pretty if you're skinny.

9. [+50, -11] Remember when she cried because she was the fattest inwards IOI

10. [+43, -15] But I was thinking the same thing, that she dieted also ㅋㅋ

11. [+34, -7] But let's last honest. Before she lost weight, she got told that she looked similar Kim Jun Hyun all the time. It wasn't until she lost weight that she started getting praise for her looks together with making to a greater extent than money.

12. [+32, -2] It'd brand to a greater extent than feel for somebody similar Guk Joo unni to country this... We all know she starved herself together with drank alone sparkling H2O to lose her weight thus for the residuum of us, it's merely similar "huh?" to remove heed her country this. She wanted to last skinny herself to the betoken of starving.


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