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Kahi Reveals Her Menage Unit Of Measurement Has Been Self-Quarantining Inwards Korea For 2 Weeks

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Article: Kahi, dorsum inwards Korea "14 days of self-quarantine... reflecting together with making resolutions"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+1,409, -47] We larn it, forthwith stop!

2. [+1,153, -44] I just... can't.. ㅜ

3. [+921, -19] When Korea was suffering from the initial outbreak amongst Shincheonji, she was dorsum inwards Bali showing back upwardly for Korea, acting similar none of this had to produce amongst her

4. [+114, -1] Why non but rest inwards Bali... why come upwardly back??? Looks similar she crawled inwards secretly Look at her acting similar an attending wh*re fifty-fifty subsequently coming back.. she's hopeless.

5. [+80, -0] Funny how all the Koreans who went overseas together with complained nigh 'Hell Chosun' are forthwith coming dorsum amongst the infection spreading worldwide ㅋ

6. [+76, -8] Screw off ㅗㅗㅗㅗㅗ

7. [+75, -7] She's ameliorate off staying placidity than sharing whatever updates...

8. [+69, -2] Ugh, but halt it, you lot attending wh*re ajumma!!!!

9. [+55, -0] Wow, together with hence she actually did come upwardly back

10. [+55, -4] Looks similar there's but no agency for her to quit SNS..

11. [+53, -0] It wasn't long agone that she was bragging nigh how Bali has no fine dust, how her kids tin but larn exterior together with play, how much healthier they are... together with forthwith they're dorsum inwards Korea? ㅎㅎ

12. [+43, -1] Just halt showing yourself!


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