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New Photograph Of Seungri Inward The Regular Army Afterward His Enlistment Revealed

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Article: Picture of Seungri amongst his troop 'leader recruit' afterward enlistment

Source: Top Star News via Nate

1. [+4,511, -36] But how has he non gone to jail for all that he's committed???????

2. [+3,516, -28] What a joke

3. [+2,945, -56] I wishing he'd instruct bullied inwards there

4. [+78, -1] Is that it? Enlisting inwards the regular army ends everything?? I approximate Jo Soo Bin tin enlist inwards the regular army likewise then, jeez

5. [+72, -1] I bet he's sharing a ton of stories almost woman someone celebrities amongst them ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+58, -1] Shameless!

7. [+54, -0] So embarrassed of our legal organisation that it's this hard to post a guy similar him to jail. If I worked inwards the legal industry, I'd experience thence hopeless

8. [+43, -1] Thanks to our sh*tty legal system, criminals similar him instruct to alive such an slow life..

9. [+35, -0] The argue the regular army is rotten is that whenever they instruct a celebrity inwards their troop, they'll role him to promote themselves fifty-fifty if the celebrity is serving similar sh*t. They also grade him the royalty handling inwards illustration bad give-and-take gets out to the media. That's no army.

10. [+34, -1] Reality is that guys similar him are going to accept it slow fifty-fifty inwards the army. He'll role his coin together with women to accept it good.

11. [+30, -2] I bet yous he's already paid everyone off together with thinks of them equally below him... There volition ever hold upward people who volition suck upward to yous equally long equally yous grade them coin together with attention.

12. [+28, -2] He's basically the Jo Soo Bin of the celebrity industry, no?

13. [+26, -2] I wishing he'd instruct hitting yesteryear a firing squad

14. [+25, -2] Imagine a criminal pledging his allegiance to the country..

15. [+22, -1] I volition let bullying inwards this team to transcend if it happens... I wishing his seniors don't fifty-fifty process him similar a human being


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