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Song Seung Hun Criticized For Non Wearing A Confront Mask Piece Shopping At A Supermarket

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Article: Song Seung Hun earns criticism for non wearing a mask at supermarket inwards Jeju Island "thought this was filmed pre-corona"

Source: E-Today via Nate

1. [+2,331, -53] Lots of controversies lately. With the times beingness what it is, wearing a mask is a necessity.

2. [+2,102, -67] I estimate I wasn't the exclusively i who noticed that

3. [+2,043, -63] He deserves loathe for this one

4. [+161, -6] Producers should besides endure catching materials similar this

5. [+123, -11] He's as well as thus bad at acting, I don't larn why he's a transcend star???

6. [+103, -10] Masks are a necessity... as well as he never lay i on fifty-fifty once

7. [+81, -6] Well yous can't celluloid a scene of people freaking out over seeing him at the supermarket if he's wearing a mask as well as no i notices him ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I knew he was going to larn loathe for this scene

8. [+77, -9] He deserves the hate. How tin yous endure as well as thus irresponsible?

9. [+61, -5] Celebrity or not, everyone should endure social distancing ㅠ

10. [+60, -5] I was wondering the whole fourth dimension why he wasn't wearing a mask

11. [+43, -2] Every fourth dimension these controversies happen, I besides lay blame on the producers;; Did they non intend that viewers would detect this? It was the origin matter I idea of when I saw this scene.

12. [+34, -2] Thoughtless producers... did they non await this reaction??


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