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'Goo Hara Law' Rejected Past Times Subcommittee, Choi Jong Bum Admits To Everything Exactly Illegal Filming Charge

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Article: 'Goo Hara Law' thrown out, likelihood of nascence woman raise inheriting estate ↑, blood brother to concur press conference on the 22nd

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+6,993, -39] Can politicians delight practice their job? Only 36% of bills acquire processed ㅋ how tin you lot telephone telephone yourselves politicians?

2. [+5,359, -26] This is crazy

3. [+5,033, -71] This is too then incorrect ㅡㅡ

4. [+278, -1] How tin this be? All the nascence woman raise did was give nascence to her, they were practically strangers inwards existent life. How tin somebody who hasn't fifty-fifty been introduce inwards her life accept away something that took her immature adult woman twenty years of suffering to earn? This makes no sense!

5. [+240, -1] If I were the brother, I'd only discover the mother's entire identity to embarrass her into giving upwards the estate...

6. [+219, -0] I rarely e'er comment but I only had to. This is how muddied our legal organisation is. You tin throw away your ain kid too spend upwards to pay whatever kid back upwards too their kid volition all the same receive got to accept help of them inwards erstwhile life because of the subject system. I can't believe the organisation tin live on too then outdated...

7. [+164, -0] I'm too then enraged for them! The woman raise has no relation at all to the Goo Hara siblings. Why does the woman raise acquire to accept an estate that Goo Hara suffered too then difficult to earn...?!

8. [+136, -0] The police describe is wrong..

9. [+126, -3] Honestly, fifty-fifty inside divorced families where the begetter has custody, mothers volition all the same elbow grease to attempt out their children inwards subway scheme or fifty-fifty attend schoolhouse graduations. Instead, Goo Hara had to attempt her ain woman raise out... inwards her twenties. Only to uncovering out that her woman raise was living inwards the same surface area every bit her... goosebumps. Perhaps Goo Hara never would've commit suicide if she grew upwards inwards a normal solid too was able to larn to dear herself. The woman raise needs to larn closed to shame too maintain her hands off of the estate. Even if the police describe won't, I promise the blood brother continues to struggle for his sister.

10. [+107, -0] Can't believe such an outdated police describe is all the same inwards house inwards modern time. Why should a raise deserve anything only for giving nascence to someone.


Article: Choi Jong Bum admits to crimes aside from illegal filming... Goo Hara's blood brother 'enraged'

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+891, -13] Goo Hara's woman raise or this guy... how tin both live on too then cruel?

2. [+751, -14] Only the dead has regrets...

3. [+681, -19] The principal betoken of his criminal offense is that he 'threatened to blackmail her'!!!!!!!!!

4. [+38, -1] Her nascence woman raise threw her away every bit a child... her fellow was a slice of human trash... Goo Hara entirely knew how to smooth nether the brilliant lights of the stage... but every bit a human being, her life was too then lonely..

5. [+37, -3] How tin the police describe live on similar this? He reached out to Dispatch too offered to give them a video they wouldn't regret... Goo Hara volition non live on able to residuum peacefully.

6. [+32, -0] This must live on too then difficult for the brother... He already has to bargain amongst her loss but similar a shot has to confront human trash all the fourth dimension inwards court..

7. [+29, -3] I promise he lives the residuum of his life inwards hell, chased past times Goo Hara inwards his dreams every night. Please blur his confront out inwards all hereafter photos of him. He makes me desire to throw up.

8. [+27, -0] The worst of his criminal offense is that he threatened to blackmail her... I'm all the same enraged thinking close it. I doubtfulness he's e'er reflected over it.

9. [+27, -2] I can't trust this approximate anymore... I bet you lot he's sharing the video amongst his friends too

10. [+22, -3] All these approximate ba$tards are the same


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