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Hollywood: Adele

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Article: Adele, looking skinny later big diet... 'even prettier'

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+597, -3] That's Adele?!! I intend this is what they hateful when they tell 'unrecognizable'!!!

2. [+416, -3] She looks similar a dissimilar person

3. [+247, -1] She variety of looks similar Katy Perry.. she actually does hold off similar a dissimilar person

4. [+51, -38] She looks agency ameliorate amongst weight on her.. ㅜㅜ

5. [+19, -0] Seems similar everyone's succeeding at their diets only me

6. [+15, -7] Dieting actually is the best shape of plastic surgical physical care for at that topographic point is. She gives off such a dissimilar impression.

7. [+10, -3] Ah... something virtually her feels off

8. [+9, -0] Are nosotros certain this isn't a dissimilar person? She's unrecognizable... how surprising

9. [+8, -0] Should've done it sooner, she looks as well as thus good. Like a existent American popular star, fifty-fifty though she actually is one..

10. [+7, -0] Oh, she looks to a greater extent than similar her historic catamenia now

11. [+7, -0] You could tell fifty-fifty earlier her weight loss that she had pretty features. Her legs hold off as well as thus practiced too, there's nevertheless closed to practiced weight on her thighs. She seems similar she's lost at to the lowest degree xxx kg;

12. [+7, -0] I e'er assumed she was inwards her forties as well as thus I was shocked when I establish out she's younger than me


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