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Kim Kwang Soo Investigated For Rigging Mbk Votes Inwards 'Produce 101'

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Article: 'Song Gain's CEO' Kim Kwang Soo investigated for ordering rigged 'Produce 101' votes

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+946, -6] Just Kwang Soo beingness Kwang Soo

2. [+893, -13] Kwang Soo-ya... when are you lot going to grow up?

3. [+872, -13] He's the worst slice of trash  inward the industry

4. [+66, -3] I had no thought Song Gain's CEO is T-ara's CEO...

5. [+53, -1] At this point, they should investigate 'Mr. Trot' every bit well

6. [+46, -6] I ever got rigid marketing smells from Song Gain

7. [+41, -5] So Jung Chaeyeon getting inward was rigged??? Lee Hae In was knocked out inward the showtime flavor from the rigging too every bit from 'Idol School', which was rigged every bit well... delight give away the actual rankings, tsk tsk tsk

8. [+36, -1] The argue Kwang Soo is withal inward this manufacture is because people know who he is simply withal stick past times him because he tin dismiss brand you lot a star. He's non the 1 to blame.

9. [+30, -11] Wow, Song Gain.... no wonder... I don't desire to psyche to her anymore

10. [+30, -4] I ever wondered who was behind Song Gain in addition to it's Kwang Soo... in addition to then who's behind Kwang Soo??


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