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'Kkondae Intern' Telly Conference Draws Line Of Piece Of Job Organisation Amongst Lack Of Social Distancing On Set

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Source: Sports Kyunghyang via Nate

1. [+929, -16] I don't run across the betoken inwards social distancing anymore.. what does whatever of it affair if I'm the exclusively i next the rules? It's non exclusively the clubs as well as bars that aren't practicing it, but a lot of other places too...

2. [+614, -14] And what almost the reporters who aren't wearing confront masks there?

3. [+435, -19] Just teach within whatever bar. There are people sitting side past times side, chatting it up. There are enough of places that aren't practicing social distancing correct now.

4. [+21, -0] Celebrities demand to apparel masks too. It's non similar the coronavirus volition skip them because they're special. If the residue of us possess got to apparel masks all twenty-four hours long, they should apparel it field filming inwards groups similar this too.

5. [+19, -10] It's non similar they're all together at that topographic point for fun, they're at that topographic point for work, it's unfair to criticize them for it ㅋㅋ

6. [+17, -1] I'm surprised at that topographic point haven't been whatever celebrity cases yet, particularly amongst how rampant the virus has been

7. [+10, -0] Aigoo, permit people hold upwards responsible for what happens to them afterward they get together similar this

8. [+10, -6] You tin exit as well as produce whatever the f*ck y'all want, simply brand certain y'all apparel a mask

9. [+9, -1] You shouldn't laissez passer on upwards social distancing simply because y'all experience similar you're the exclusively mortal practicing it. You practise it non for yourself but for others. How unfair would it hold upwards for i of your loved ones to drib dead because of you? I wouldn't attention if I got infected but I don't desire innocent people to drib dead because of me..

10. [+8, -2] Seems similar they're wearing masks except for the people on stage. This is no unlike than people having to possess got the autobus or subway, they possess got no pick but to present up. Although amongst the tendency existence taking everything online lately, it is a shame that they had to get together similar this.

11. [+8, -5] Step within whatever companionship edifice correct instantly as well as possess got a await at the offices. There's no difference. It volition hold upwards impossible to eradicate the virus inwards the reality of our society.


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