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Oh My Girls' Gifted Cd To Lovelyz Works Life Beingness Sold Online?

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Article: [Exclusive] Oh My Girl's gifted CD is beingness sold online? "Lovelyz sunbaenim, delight honey our song♥"'

Source: Segye Ilbo via Nate

1. [+1,893, -30] Hul, this is besides far. Oh My Girl would move in addition to then upset if they saw this. I promise they detect whoever set upward that listing.

2. [+1,556, -32] Maybe it's someone from Lovelyz's agency.. or someone threw it away in addition to some other individual picked it upward to sell... must move upsetting for Oh My Girl...

3. [+1,367, -25] ?? What is going on

4. [+192, -18] It's non spelled 'a chu', it's spelled 'a choo'. Jiho pays attending to exceptional in addition to then this isn't a error that she would make. And the CD was gifted amongst entirely the group's name? None of the fellow member names? Doesn't this odor fishy?

5. [+157, -13] Something smells fishy almost this... There are people who sell CDs past times forging signatures... in addition to only similar the other comment mentioned, it's non 'a chu', it's 'a choo'. I don't think they'd brand a error similar that.

6. [+154, -14] Come on, guys, why would Lovelyz sell this.. patently it sounds similar a staff issue.

7. [+118, -8] It doesn't brand feel because Oh My Girl's leader in addition to Lovelyz's Mijoo are basically existent life friends. I think someone's trying to rig upward a fandom war.

8. [+105, -4] The 'a choo' spelling is different, in that place are no other signatures... perhaps it's a CD that they made a typo on spell signing in addition to then they were going to trash it but an means staff or someone else took it in addition to are attempting to sell it... or perhaps this whole affair is gear upward to outset a fandom war.

9. [+92, -6] If this is true, I'm certain their means volition tell something similar they lost it spell moving dorms or a fellowship staff took it afterwards quitting... the members from both groups are super closed in addition to I retrieve Lovelyz showing off their autographed Oh My Girl CD terminal yr too.

10. [+92, -4] Idols are hyper aware of world sentiment, it makes no feel that they'd e'er set upward a CD gifted to them past times a peer to sell similar this. It's unfair to loathe on Lovelyz without checking what truly happened.


Article: Woollim, "We need maintain determined that Lovelyz's autographed CD was stolen, nosotros need maintain requested police trace investigation"

Source: Sports Donga via Nate

1. [+911, -13] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Who else could it move other than 1 of your ain staff members ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+717, -22] Yes whether it was stolen or thrown out, let's teach an investigation to figure it out ㅎ

3. [+717, -19] Sto..len...???

4. [+58, -3] I don't think it was stolen, I think this whole thing's a laid up. The spelling is different, idols unremarkably write letters on the within of the jacket cover, non the actual cover... either way, teach an investigation going in addition to outset suing the loathe commenters.

5. [+50, -2] I don't help almost Lovelyz or whatever but it makes no logical feel for anyone to move selling a CD they were gifted. For what, a few bucks?? Especially when they know that it could teach out similar this to the public?? Use your brains earlier hating.

6. [+36, -1] Aren't the 2 groups closed anyway? I'm pretty certain I heard the members are closed friends.

7. [+30, -3] Whether it's a gear upward or not, it's non something the means tin instantly banking concern tally in addition to then they need maintain to claim it's theft for at nowadays to teach the police trace involved. I personally think it's a laid up.

8. [+26, -3] The vocal squall is wrong, in that place are no fellow member autographs, it was listed on the 25th in addition to got out to the media instantly after? Something's fishy.

9. [+23, -5] They in all likelihood had the CD lying only about somewhere in addition to a staff fellow member at a broadcast hall took it. Come on, how many singers practise you lot truly think teach out on all of the CDs that their juniors gift them? Imagine how many CDs would pile upward amongst every comeback...

10. [+16, -0] Then what does this mean? That they truly gifted a CD where they wrote their ain vocal championship wrong? I seriously think it's a CD they typo'd in addition to meant to throw out but someone picked it upward to sell. Seems similar they desire an investigation entirely because in addition to then much fourth dimension has passed in addition to neither agencies retrieve what happened amongst it.


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