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Rain Says At That Topographic Point Is No 1 Inward The Music Manufacture Who Tin Trounce Lee Hyori

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Source: News 1 via Nate

1. [+1,911, -37] I don't know that we'll ever encounter someone amongst equally much star ability equally Lee Hyori again. She's ever hence cool.

2. [+1,650, -41] And it'll remain that agency inwards the hereafter equally well...

3. [+1,393, -38] She is unbeatable!

4. [+97, -11] Singing skills aside, she was but an icon of her generation. It wasn't that she was super talented or beautiful or anything, she but had a facial expression upward that every historic menses grouping liked in addition to hence much star science to dorsum it up. If you lot expect dorsum at her older clips, she doesn't expect outdated at all. All the other people side past times side to her produce but never Lee Hyori...

5. [+88, -3] I actually don't intend we'll encounter other soloists trounce Rain or Lee Hyori ㅠ

6. [+81, -5] She's but a superstar. Her mention itself is an icon in addition to a brand.

7. [+65, -3] Same goes for Rain, no???

8. [+39, -7] Yes, in that place are singers who are ameliorate singers than her or prettier than her... but none that convey a build that tin trounce hers. She's the live on when it comes to star power.

9. [+35, -7] When they were showing older clips, she didn't expect outdated at all fifty-fifty though they're over 10 years old. She has an aura in addition to forcefulness that idols these days but don't have. She's the existent deal. I actually enjoyed watching her today ㅋㅋ

10. [+34, -11] People beloved glamorizing the past times but Lee Hyori genuinely was an icon of her generation. Just non a proficient singer.

11. [+32, -2] She has hence much charisma. I think thinking that she felt similar a unopen nuna on 'Family Rising' but in addition to then seeing her produce a consummate modify upward on phase equally a solo vocalizer gave her hence much dimension.


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