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Reporter Approaches Goo Hara's Nativity Woman Raise On Estate Lawsuit

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"I mean, I accept zippo to say. What's incorrect amongst you? (Reporter: I exactly desire to listen your argue for claiming one-half of Goo Hara's estate) I accept zippo to say in addition to thus exactly leave. I accept zippo to say to you."

Article: Goo Hara's nascency mother, uncomfortable reply when asked why she's fighting for one-half of her estate "Just leave"

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+1,734, -7] Sigh, to cry upward that mortal similar her is a mother

2. [+1,487, -6] Does she non experience sad at all to her dead daughter? She's a fauna inwards human costume, truly fifty-fifty less than that.

3. [+1,410, -5] Ugh, fifty-fifty I'm getting pissed off, I tin imagine how insanely angered the blood brother must feel..

4. [+53, -1] I wonder if this woman nurture would've paid off Goo Hara's debt if that was all that was left? All she cares most is the estate in addition to is blinded past times greed over it. She's in addition to thus piteous in addition to disgusting.

5. [+50, -2] So shameless. When Goo Hara's depression was getting worse inwards 2017, her Dr. recommended that she utter to her woman nurture in addition to thus she sought her out through much difficulty. I exactly don't teach how the woman nurture pushed her to this indicate in addition to straightaway she's afterwards her money? If you lot gave upward your rights equally a parent, the to the lowest degree you lot tin create is non teach afterwards her money. Such thick skin.

6. [+45, -1] How tin you lot create this to a kid you lot gave nascency through your ain stomach... I tin sympathize non having the resources to enhance her yourself but how tin you lot create this?

7. [+42, -1] I realized that monsters be inwards this globe when I heard that the woman nurture is claiming that she is simply afterwards what she is owed

8. [+35, -0] Well, what else tin the woman nurture say? It's non similar she'll acknowledge "I'm a greedy b*tch"

9. [+33, -2] I unremarkably disagree amongst reporters who badger people similar this but... I cry upward people similar her deserve to last spread everywhere in addition to thus that they tin no longer handgrip their seem upward inwards public.

10. [+22, -0] Why else would the woman nurture desire the money... She left Goo Hara when she was picayune in addition to got remarried in addition to had novel kids. She in all probability wants Goo Hara's coin in addition to thus she tin give it to her novel children.

11. [+22, -0] She all the same hasn't given upward on this?

12. [+22, -0] I wishing cash inwards one's chips upon her tomorrow

13. [+20, -0] ㅋㅋ Reporters should bother her in 1 trial a twenty-four hours in addition to give her psychological stress, at to the lowest degree equally much equally the estate she's owed ㅋㅋ b*tches similar her shouldn't last left to alive life equally they want..


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