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Subway Riders Complain Virtually Ruddy Velvet's Underground Announcements

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Article: "Donation of talent" vs "Don't desire to hear it"... mixed reactions to Red Velvet's subway scheme proclamation recording

Source: SBS via Nate

Subway electrical load board posts: "I don't desire to heed to their voices, in addition to the subway scheme has lost credibility", "Please amend the subway scheme environs instead of spending coin on things similar this", "I'm ill in addition to tired of hearing this", "People accept larn sensitive alongside the coronavirus issues in addition to it makes me uncomfortable to hear the vox of a celebrity who makes to a greater extent than than me"... to which other netizens replied, "People larn triggered over anything", "With how hot the days accept larn nether aspect upwards masks, listening to Joy in addition to Seulgi's voices on the announcements amend my mood", "I heed to it every hateful solar daytime on my means to run in addition to haven't idea much of it"

1. [+1,972, -188] I don't larn the indicate of this. There are already recordings made past times vox actors, why non role that? I don't larn the indicate of this 'donation'. It's non for populace service or anything. Aren't the indicate of 'donations' to endure set to where it is needed or lacking?

2. [+1,847, -212] I can't stand upwards this to a greater extent than than the EXO storey announcements. Such a driblet inwards class.

3. [+1,033, -111] As if anyone is feeling a alter of mood from listening to their voices

4. [+178, -29] Can nosotros delight only choke on announcements inwards populace spaces to the vox actors? The subway scheme is non unopen to hang out spot. This is such an unneeded addition.

5. [+155, -15] Isn't the indicate of donating your talent to donate something you're adept at? They're non anchorwomen. I don't larn why a daughter grouping is putting out subway scheme announcements. Of course of education people are non going to desire to heed to that.

6. [+132, -7] Do y'all know why a vox histrion is a vox actor? Because they know how to jibe their vox to the mood of the province of affairs in addition to environment. Having to heed to a vox that's non a fit for the environs totally ruins the atmosphere. It makes me desire to unopen my ears.

7. [+121, -10] They play it means also ofttimes too

8. [+116, -13] SM has e'er been notorious for sticking their olfactory organ everywhere

9. [+107, -7] After listening to Joy's announcement... I've come upwards to experience grateful for the talent of vox actors. It made me realize that they were speaking inwards a vox that was considerate of subway scheme riders.

10. [+93, -2] It's also annoying that they play it in addition to then loudly..

11. [+62, -6] Of course of education people don't desire it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

12. [+60, -16] Red Velvet isn't fifty-fifty a grouping that represents our country, I don't larn why they were given this job. I'd empathize if it was BTS since it could endure fun for the foreigners.. ㅋ but it's surprising to randomly hear Red Velvet similar that ㅋㅋ

13. [+50, -3] First of all, no talent was donated ㅋ


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