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Controversy Continues For The Neglected Patch Of G-Dragon's Pet Dogs

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Source: Asia Econ via Nate

Netizen staying at G-Dragon's parent's pension: "Gaho had a lot of tears inward his eyes because of his eyelashes poking him. I felt bad because he looked similar he was thence out of strength. Shar-peis are known to receive got a lot peel diseases as well as sensitivity to temperature. This is non a breed that should live on kept outside. Dogs demand to receive got their nails trimmed regularly because it grows into their veins. If you lot allow it grow out besides long, you lot run the peril of cutting into their veins as well as causing them to bleed. As for Jolie, I don't know who picked upwards my telephone band but when I called the pension as well as asked close Jolie, they said the argue she wasn't in that place was because she left through a door left opened upwards as well as disappeared." 

1. [+1,571, -22] He had no occupation bringing them on TV as well as getting spotlight for them when they were immature as well as cute, but instantly that the dogs are one-time as well as big, he's neglecting them to the indicate of animate beingness abuse. I justice these animals were zilch to a greater extent than than fashion items to GD. What was he thinking adopting to a greater extent than or less other pure-bred truthful cat recently? So he tin give the axe fail it at his pension i time it's older?

2. [+1,446, -20] He's rich plenty to only hire someone to create exercise them... I experience thence bad for the expect inward the dogs' eyes ㅠㅠ

3. [+1,190, -17] Please don't live on similar this to animals...

4. [+114, -1] This idiot seems to live on out of it sanity wise. He seems to retrieve animals are only to a greater extent than or less other accessory. I can't believe he was an animate beingness abuser all this time. He had no occupation bringing them everywhere when they were immature as well as cute but instantly he's neglecting them because they're large as well as difficult to handle. He's a terrible person.

5. [+103, -1] It's clear that he adopted these dogs without much thought either out of loneliness or because he thought of them every bit accessories... as well as thence sent them off to his parents' pension inward Seoul afterward they got bigger as well as harder to handle. That's basically throwing them away ㅠㅠ Now he's living inward Hannamdong amongst a novel truthful cat inward a lavish lifestyle... I receive got never said a give-and-take of loathe to him every bit a fan but this is honestly actually disappointing ㅠㅠ

6. [+76, -1] This guy is trash

7. [+71, -1] The deeper you lot dig into Big Bang, the to a greater extent than horror stories you lot uncover

8. [+70, -1] What's the indicate of having thence much coin when your encephalon is filled amongst zilch but sh*t? How tin give the axe you lot live on this inconsiderate towards a domestic dog you lot raised since it was a baby? No loyalty, no responsibility.

9. [+66, -1] I tin give the axe say people are beingness lenient inward the comments because it's GD but I bet if this was whatever other celebrity, this would've been a bigger mess

10. [+64, -1] There is no adept human beingness out of anyone who treats animals similar this

11. [+58, -1] This contestation would've never happened if he had whatever honey for his animals at all. I'm actually disappointed inward him every bit a human being.

12. [+40, -2] His drug resultant is i matter but I had no thought that his grapheme would live on this bad too. He genuinely is a thug.

13. [+39, -1] I'm thence disappointed..


Source: Star Today via Nate

1. [+155, -1] I mean, does he actually non desire to pass whatever of his vast wealth on Gaho? Or hire someone to receive got tending of him? And plainly Jolie's lost too;; He has no correct to ain whatever pets. I can't believe he adopted to a greater extent than or less other truthful cat too. He's only trash.

2. [+129, -0] He's trash, I'm super disappointed inward him

3. [+116, -1] Aigoo, a pet is non alone a pet when it's cute... this is just... thence unfortunate

4. [+21, -0] This ba$tard is showing his truthful colors... you lot tin give the axe say a lot close a soul from how they process animals..!!

5. [+16, -0] This makes me thence much angrier because I used to live on a fan... I'm thence disappointed ㅠㅠ


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