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Day6's Jae Airs His Grievances Against Jyp, Jyp Claims Everything Has Been Resolved

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Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+255, -13] After reading the article,  I tin encounter why Jae is upset. Honestly, most of the international Day6 fans joined the fandom through Jae's MCing on ASC together with his chemical scientific discipline alongside Eric Nam together with Jamie. It's non similar the grouping has whatever other fellow member every bit known every bit that to the public. He had to beg his means to allow him opened upwards a YouTube channel together with alone barely got permission to exercise it alone for them to tell no inwards the destination together with forcefulness him to unopen it. And withal they're expensing other members together with providing schedules for them??????? Why????? No, really, why??????? Because he's unopen alongside Jimin, who left JYP???? I simply don't acquire it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Jae has been doing to a greater extent than inwards getting the grouping known internationally than JYP has ever done together with hence what's going on ㅠ

2. [+200, -9] Obviously he's non hollo for for JYP to back upwards alone simply him. He should last expecting a basic degree of back upwards from his company. Obviously they're non doing anything for him but doing materials for other members, which is discriminatory together with in all likelihood what prompted him to write the post.

3. [+191, -25] Hmm.. Day6 is pretty popular. They accept a ton of international fans together with a tight fanbase inwards Korea. I desire to withdraw heed to a greater extent than of their songs together with hence I'm simply hoping at that topographic point isn't to a greater extent than discord.. ㅜㅜ

4. [+43, -1] How dare JYP block him from uploading his content? What accept they ever done for him? If they're non going to back upwards him, at to the lowest degree allow him exercise his ain content ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+41, -1] Imagine how blatant they were alongside the discrimination that he felt compelled to write this..

6. [+33, -2] Day6 is skilful at producing their ain songs together with accept skilful singers every bit well, JYP is genuinely trying to accept their cake together with consume it too

7. [+28, -0] This isn't a unproblematic thing of who gets back upwards together with who doesn't ㅠ Jae has set inwards a lot of endeavor from uploading YouTube videos to podcasts to planning vocal projects, which all came out of his ain fourth dimension together with expense, alone for JYP to brand him unopen the YouTube channel because they were peeved alongside it;;; together with hence I tin encounter why he's upset..

8. [+24, -0] They barely accept a few skilful years to promote earlier they accept to enlist inwards the army, how much longer is JYP going to decease on them on the backburner... I'm certain they're upset at how their in conclusion promos had to destination alongside simply a vocal release. I genuinely wishing things would operate out for them every bit a fan ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

9. [+21, -8] Park Jin Young is non a skilful person, he's a fox

10. [+21, -11] Give them or together with hence support... it seems they're genuinely pop internationally... You accept to invest when the fourth dimension is right./


Source: Sports Donga via Nate

1. [+295, -17] JYP refuses to promote or invest inwards them together with hence the fellow member has had to pass his ain coin to attain all the videos for their fans, which JYP took effect alongside because the YouTube income was going to him together with non the company, together with after banned him from producing YouTube content anymore. It's together with hence funny that they're right away supporting or together with hence other fellow member producing YouTube content on the group's primary channel since that income goes conduct to the company. It's a waste materials of breath to telephone phone JYP a transcend iii company. Please halt claiming to accept conversations alongside the members every 24-hour interval together with genuinely acquire something done instead.

2. [+274, -23] I doubtfulness anything was resolved, he in all likelihood simply got yelled at; Park Jin Young's fellowship seems worse than it looks

3. [+21, -6] JYP's e'er been worse than whatever other means ㅎㅎㅎ icon making is what saved them but they're quite dingy within ㅎㅎ

4. [+15, -1] Jae-ya, there's nada you lot should experience sad for. There is non 1 fan inwards the basis who thinks you lot attacked whatever of the other members alongside that post. I genuinely experience mad because I experience similar you lot got together with hence much loathe for that post service instead. Fact is that JYP never reposted whatever of the content Jae produced together with that he was the tunnel inwards which together with hence many novel fans joined the fandom. But all because his channel wasn't beneficial to the company, it was blocked? Fans are hollo for for an explanation together with withal there's non 1 response???? Wow...

5. [+13, -3] Park Jin Young has a style to assay to intimidate audition computer program kids instead of boosting them upwards

6. [+13, -0] Jae was the 1 who was out on the streets inwards the US of America telling people close Day6, making reaction videos, promoting the grouping online together with offline. He vlogged alongside a PD that whatever K-Pop fan should know, together with I demand an explanation from JYP every bit to why such a channel was unopen down.

7. [+12, -3] Cruel until the end. How tin a fellowship last similar this? If an creative somebody has held dorsum for this long together with is finally letting his feelings of unfairness known, shouldn't the fellowship last taking it seriously instead of putting him upwards tot he world alongside an apology together with acting similar it's all been solved? All inwards simply a few hours? Can this all last considered a misunderstanding? This is 100% the company's error together with hence where is the misunderstanding inwards that?

8. [+10, -0] Park Jin Young, it's times similar this that you lot demand to larn to stride in 


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