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Sunmi Denies Surgical Procedure Rumors Again

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Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+1,090, -308] Then larn an x-ray in addition to examine it ㅋㅋ

2. [+723, -170] The materials most her breast isn't anything compared to her singing skills. She's a vocaliser who can't sing, in addition to that's a bigger problem... delight operate on your skills. Sunmi singing Twice's 'Cheer Up'

3. [+699, -183] What I'm to a greater extent than curious most is whether she's withal inward college???? It's non similar she had to enlist inward the middle of it, I desire to know what's happening amongst her school. How tin y'all hold out inward college for 10 years? Ever since she got inward in 2011, at that spot hasn't been whatever word of her truly graduating. Has she been help at all?

4. [+128, -13] Well, at that spot are breast fillers in addition to fatty transplants straightaway which would technically hold out categorized nether procedures in addition to non operation then ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+95, -10] Wow, thick peel ㅋㅋ no wonder she's a celebrity

6. [+83, -26] We larn it, straightaway delight do your singing

7. [+73, -4] Lee Hyori got an x-ray done to examine herself ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+59, -7] She does accept quite the large breast for such a skinny body

9. [+51, -6] I intend she's entirely considering silicone to hold out surgery. Procedures unremarkably don't larn counted every bit operation in addition to don't present upward inward x-rays either. I know around people who've gotten it done. It's non a dramatic termination exactly there's definitely a difference.

10. [+30, -9] She's a vocaliser who can't sing... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ She has no agency of making excuses for her singing then all she talks most is her breast ㅋㅋ in addition to it's non similar her dancing is solo-worthy either


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