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Viewers Accept An Involvement Inwards Luna Hee Jun's Han River Persuasion Home

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Source: Top Star News via Nate

1. [+554, -6] Looks similar all celebrities alive somewhere amongst a Han River view... together with thus does that hateful if I become running around the Han River, all the celebrities volition live on looking at me? ㅎ

2. [+449, -8] He's likely exclusively e'er lived somewhere amongst a Han River stance since he was young. I gauge 1 time yous come upwards into money, yous actually showtime craving a Han River view.

3. [+384, -15] Soyul actually leveled upwards inwards life

4. [+63, -15] Luna Hee Jun had a hard childhood;;; together with thus all the coin he made from HOT, he spent on investing inwards existent estate together with funding his dongsaeng to written report abroad. I holler upwards he never spent his coin frivolously. The exclusively coin he spent on himself was likely on maintaining his hairstyle ㅋㅋㅋㅋ He used to live on 1 of the biggest idols of his generation, this is nix extravagant He turned out good for mortal who grew inwards an manufacture amount of scandals... He saved upwards his money, bought a house, together with is living a happy life.

4. [+46, -6] All celebrities alive inwards the United Nations Village ㅋㅋ every bit shortly every bit they brand money, they all deed there. Kim Na Young lived at that spot inwards her newlywed days together with Oh Yoon Ah lives at that spot too.

5. [+39, -1] I heard that the United Nations Village was originally amount of LG together with Hyundai chaebols simply they all moved out because together with thus many celebrities started moving in

6. [+23, -19] So many suicides plough over off inwards the Han River, I wouldn't desire to alive around that

7. [+17, -3] To some, the Han River is a identify of suicide, together with to others, it's a stance to heal from...

8. [+16, -3] Luna Hee Jun deserves to alive at that spot considering his HOT fame

9. [+11, -7] I mean value Park Narae started a tendency of celebrities showing off their Han River stance homes

10. [+6, -4] In life, you're either drinking from the Han River or looking at it


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