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A #Metoo Induce Simmers Alongside Woman Someone Northward Korean Defectors

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Article: 'My Cruel ROK' The #metoo crusade of North Korean woman someone defectors

Source: News Tapa via Daum

Out of 158 woman someone defectors interviewed, dark numbers stand upward for the sum of women who experienced sexual assail inward Democratic People's Republic of Korea vs scarlet numbers inward Republic of Korea inward the monastic say of sexual harassment, attempted rape, as well as rape.

1. [+1,346, -14] Imagine putting your life on the line of piece of occupation to escape exclusively to last approached past times men who abuse the fact that you lot bring no foundation inward the S as well as volition at in i lawsuit ruin your life. I bet those same muddy men promise the best for their children.

2. [+1,151, -27] This is genuinely an abuse of power. These women were belike scared to plough the men downwards inward illustration they're set at jeopardy to last repatriated to the north, as well as coming from such a conservative guild already way that they don't bring the bravery to written report such cases anyway. If 1/3 of woman someone defectors bring experienced sexual assail of about kind, shouldn't women's organizations last to a greater extent than active inward fighting for them?

3. [+752, -5] Please cease doing such vicious things to people inward withdraw of help

4. [+421, -13] Men similar them withdraw to last castrated then this never happens again

5. [+171, -4] Well this is embarrassing

6. [+406, -202] South Korean men, I swear

7. [+136, -47] I'm to a greater extent than surprised at the stat that at that topographic point are 30,000 North Korean defectors already...

8. [+4, -0] What inward the world... this is then bad...


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