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Idol Nether Investigation For Using 'Etomidate' Drug

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Article: [Exclusive] Idol nether investigation for soliciting 'etomidate'

Source: SBS via Naver

1. [+845, -35] Are nosotros yet going to proceed the comment department shut inward the celebrity word section?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Why is it the solely department where it's closed????? Are celebrities about type of untouchable class???? Why are athletes, politicians, the president, fifty-fifty non-celebrities allowed to last hated on inward the word simply comments are solely shut for celebrities????? Are they a violet class??? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Just instruct rid of all the comments hence ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+211, -8] I got propofol i time for my endoscopy too it does brand you lot experience dreamy simply I'm non certain why celebrities instruct hence addicted to it. It makes you lot drowsy too hence you lot wake upward to a dream-like soil simply it feels uncomfortable because you lot don't bring much command over your body, too I kept maxim nonsense... well, is that what celebrities are looking for? I don't instruct it.

3. [+69, -3] So he got it for handling purposes hence what just was he treating?

4. [+54, -7] Who could it be...

5. [+50, -7] Just hand it all to celebrities. They're all whining most how difficult it is to last one, at to the lowest degree allow them instruct about slumber then.

6. [+25, -2] It's in all likelihood somebody from YG similar always

7. [+20, -3] I wishing celebrities wouldn't decease celebrities if they don't desire comments most themselves. They're populace figures, why practise they intend they're solely entitled to positive comments?

8. [+14, -1] Propofol at most volition seat you lot inward a deep slumber simply etomidate tin truly paralyze you lot hence you lot can't breathe... it's basically a suicide mission

9. [+7, -0] Is it truly the YG kids again????

10. [+9, -4] I'm curious, somebody hurry upward too figure out who it is...

11. [+5, -0] Why are all the celebrities similar this????

12. [+3, -0] Why was he soliciting the drug past times himself? If it was for handling purposes, the infirmary would've prescribed it for him ㅋ quite obvious what his intentions were


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