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Netizens Petition For The Near Downwards Of 'Bile Bear' Factories

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Article: 85 Asian dark bears accept moved inwards adjacent door... torture for both the bears as well as people

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Nate

1. [+1,425, -23] I can't believe it's a comport farm for the utilization of extracting their gall bladders;;; how are nosotros whatever dissimilar from China? Now that the times accept changed, nosotros necessitate to block things similar this from beingness allowed.

2. [+1,162, -13] Could that babe comport accept known his future? Seeing the weather of the cages made me sigh automatically. I recall losing slumber over countless nights subsequently seeing a video of how the gall bladder is extracted from these bears... I can't believe this horrifying exercise is even then continuing.

3. [+1,076, -9] Humans eat their gall bladders because it plainly contains ursodeoxycholic acid but that tin last artificially produced these days for only xx cents a pill alongside insurance. Please eat that instead ㅠ

4. [+76, -0] It's extremely painful for the bears when their gall bladders are extracted. It's upsetting having to come across these bears strike their heads against the walls as well as strangle their babies to death... let's delight halt this abnormal practice.

5. [+75, -2] How much longer must nosotros last similar this... tin nosotros delight halt torturing animals as well as abusing them for money!! You alone last ane life every bit a human being, why must you lot last it this way?

6. [+53, -0] I mean, how much longer do you lot desire to last on this public that you're willing to torture bears as well as eat their gall bladders to do so??

7. [+41, -0] What did the bears do to deserve this? Let them free!! Look at what your greed is doing to this babe bear!!

8. [+36, -0] How good for you lot do you lot think you lot tin teach past times eating the gall bladder of such a stressed out animal? You necessitate to cutting the consumers off then that these factories naturally disappear. Both consumer as well as seller are less than fifty-fifty an animal.

9. [+34, -0] Enough is enough. You disgusting humans, how tin you lot last alongside yourselves?

10. [+32, -0] Can't believe this is happening inwards Korea, this breaks my heart


Source: Naver

1. [+3,335, -23] These bears scream loudly from the hurting of having their gall bladders extracted. I'm certain whatever residential expanse nearby tin remove heed them. This mill needs to last close down. I recall reading an article well-nigh the conservation efforts for the bears inwards Mount Jiri. Shouldn't that coin last spent on saving these bears first?

2. [+1,491, -16] Do people think they volition expire if they don't eat their gall bladders? Please ban comport farming now.

3. [+506, -8] I experience then bad for them, sigh

4. [+328, -0] It's considered an endangered species then why are then many kept captive on farms? Stop spending hundreds of millions on Mount Jiri as well as utilization that coin on protecting these bears instead.

5. [+115, -1] This is then sorry as well as upsetting, delight ban gall bladder extractions from bears

6. [+103, -2] Why is at that spot a conservation endeavor for these bears at the same fourth dimension that permits are beingness allowed for these factories to exist? People won't expire without their gall bladders. The worst virus on the human planet is non the coronavirus but human beings.

7. [+100, -0] All you lot barbaric fools who eat their gall bladders accept no correct to ridicule whatever other civilization for what they eat. It makes me tear upwards to fifty-fifty come across these pictures. You don't teach to process an beast similar this only because they can't verbalise back.

8. [+81, -0] When I saw that 119 saved that babe comport that escaped, I idea the article would last a happy ending but they returned him to that hell hole.

9. [+80, -0] These bears are farmed for the utilization of people who buy their bile. Whenever a client comes in, they stick a underground inwards their breast land even then last as well as extract it then painfully that these bears scream into the skies. Young bears are no exception, as well as at that spot was ane example where a woman bring upwards comport broke out of her cage to kill her ain babe comport land it was beingness extracted to lay him out of his misery. This exercise is worse than murder as well as I don't empathize why the authorities allows it to continue. The bears all become insane inwards these factories from all the screaming as well as spin inwards house all day. Please teach rid of all these factories earlier nosotros all pay the toll of such evil!

10. [+57, -1] We accept ane scheme trying to conserve these bears inwards Mount Jiri as well as only about other farming them for gall bladder extractions. What a comedy.

11. [+53, -1] We last inwards a public alongside such an abundance of food, why must nosotros torture bears too? Just eat good as well as exercise, why must you lot preserve your wellness past times eating gall bladders too?

12. [+48, -2] I could experience nada but the bubbling rage as well as sadness inside me land reading this

13. [+40, -0] It's moronic to think that eating something extracted from such a stressed beast would last expert for your health, no?

14. [+41, -2] The authorities needs to buy all these bears as well as issue them inwards Mount Jiri

15. [+37, -0] Wait, this exercise is even then going on?? This is beast abuse!! The authorities needs to stride inwards as well as penalize everyone! Why is this allowed to even then happen? These piteous bears!! ㅠㅠ


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