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Sbs' 'Backstreet Rookie' Criticized For Overly Adult Themes

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Article: Female high schoolhouse pupil kissing an adult, prostitution... SBS 'Backstreet Rookie' warned legal restrictions

Source: Chosun Media via Naver

1. [+1,294, -292] Just because it's similar this inwards reality doesn't hateful nosotros necessitate to last together with therefore blatant amongst showing it inwards dramas too. I don't desire such dramas airing inwards our put down when nosotros accept weak shaver protection laws equally it is. How could y'all fifty-fifty sell an adult-themed webtoon equally a trace of piece of occupation solid unit of measurement drama inwards the start place? Why non brand a drama out of the sexual assaulters democrats or the nth room scandal too?

2. [+770, -113] Please burn downwards the PD who produced such a muddied drama

3. [+444, -81] Low degree drama

4. [+319, -54] I knew this drama would brand it trouble. I started watching it amongst my kids because it looked fun but I was totally surprised. I had no visit it came from an adult webtoon amongst such weird plots...

5. [+184, -27] Even our ain broadcast channels accept transcend perverted, how rotten ㅎ

6. [+73, -9] There are together with therefore many groovy webtoons out there, I don't teach why this 1 was chosen to last reproduced equally a drama. Sigh, I desire to run across the piteous human face upward of the PD who produced this.

7. [+64, -22] As expected from a put down function yesteryear former farts

8. [+38, -4] What's it matter? We alive inwards a generation where our Seoul metropolis mayor of judge Park Won Soon fifty-fifty commits sexual harassment ㅋ

9. [+31, -8] Even makjang dramas accept limits, this only crossed the trace into depression degree territory. I can't believe the manager e'er visit to marketplace this equally a trace of piece of occupation solid unit of measurement drama when its origins is inwards an adult-themed webtoon, tsk tsk.

10. [+18, -5] This is why to a greater extent than dramas are beingness produced on Netflix these days. Imagine if 'Extracurriculur' was produced on a major broadcast channel, it wouldn't accept lived upward to its potential. Actually, it wouldn't accept been allowed to air at all.

11. [+18, -6] I'm beingness serious, what's together with therefore weird close this drama? Why is it okay for 'It's Okay to Not Be Okay' to verbalize close sexual practice all the time, where's all the disceptation close that? I wouldn't telephone cry upward that drama a 'family drama' either.

12. [+20, -9] Pfft, I'm enjoying the drama only fine.


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