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Seoul Mayor Flora Dead Afterward Vii Threescore Minutes Search Next Accusations Of Sexual Harassment Past Times Secretary

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Source: Yonhap News via Nate

1. [+412, -73] He clearly committed suicide because he's non innocent inward the facial expression upward of the truth. Does he mean value suicide volition brand this all become away? He'll forever hold out remembered equally the Mayor of Seoul who committed suicide due to a sexual harassment scandal.

2. [+358, -77] Do non glamorize a sexual practice criminal

3. [+53, -19] Has in that location always been a fourth dimension where thence many firemen together with policemen were railroad train out to discovery someone? This is merely thence wrong...

4. [+51, -6] All politicians demand to hold out placed amongst secretaries of the same sex. Female mayors larn woman mortal secretaries, etc..

5. [+38, -13] In the end, he's a sexual practice criminal

6. [+34, -5] Jeez.. I don't know what to say. If he did something wrong, he should receive got asked for forgiveness from the victim together with lived out the remainder of his life inward reflection. And if he didn't practise anything wrong, he tin john examine himself inward court. Why die? ㅠ Why practise our country's politicians never facial expression upward the consequences of their actions together with select to choke instead?? And if this scandal genuinely is a final result of the secretary's #metoo, together with thence he basically did his victim incorrect twice... Now she'll receive got to alive amongst the guilt that she caused his death. It's embarrassing that our ain mayor has taken his life piece inward office.. I had hoped thence dearly that he would hold out flora security thence that he could either orbit an explanation or pay the consequences..

7. [+33, -2] Why would yous kill yourself over sexual harassment... There are others who are living their lives merely fine fifty-fifty amongst entire sexual practice tapes out...

8. [+30, -1] Wow... I never idea I'd withdraw heed that the Mayor of Seoul has died... Would admitting to your crime, stepping down, together with paying the toll of your criminal offense hold out that hard? What virtually the remainder of his family, what did they practise to deserve this.. 

9. [+30, -3] A human being leading a country's metropolis couldn't command his sexual desires together with led to this tsk tsk, pathetic, merely pathetic

10. [+26, -6] Just because of a #metoo?? He was the mayor for 10 years, he's certainly seen grosser things inward government, together with even thence he committed suicide earlier his #metoo fifty-fifty got out properly?? I'd empathise if the whole #metoo affair had gotten out origin together with he was existence tormented over it but... in that location has to hold out approximately other reason


Source: Naver

1. [+3,221, -51] What is this, how tin john the mayor of Seoul practise this?

2. [+3,158, -199] Please practise non glamorize the lives of politicians who receive got committed crimes, practise non process them similar they are deserving of particular treatment. They are disgusting together with cowardly!!

3. [+718, -267] Parties aside, may he remainder inward peace

4. [+299, -11] This... makes me thence angry. If something similar this made him thence scared together with embarrassed, why did he commit the criminal offense inward the origin place? What is this, come upward on.. seriously..

5. [+252, -8] This is the most dishonorable means to resign from your position

6. [+224, -19] Ugh.. thence embarrassing... to withdraw heed that the mayor of our country's uppercase non alone committed a criminal offense but commit suicide over it... how tin john yous hold out thence irresponsible?

7. [+151, -4] Death doesn't terminate everything... If yous committed a crime, yous tin john merely pay the toll for it... Or if your pride is thence potent together with you're scared of existence pointed at, merely don't commit crimes... So irresponsible to the people who believed inward him together with voted for him. This breaks my view but suicide cannot hold out glamorized.

8. [+141, -7] What are the victims supposed to practise if he merely runs away similar this? He should've lived together with paid the toll of his crimes. This is embarrassing fifty-fifty for his supporters. This is irresponsible.

9. [+115, -4] What an empty life. He had everything but lost it all to ane 2nd of desire. I never personally liked him but may he remainder inward peace.

10. [+107, -7] Park Won Soon died because of #metoo?? But he struggled thence difficult to larn to where he is now??? Honestly, politicians tin john larn away amongst anything, but he couldn't halt this #metoo???

11. [+101, -4] Ugh, how embarrassing for our country. The infinitesimal the mayor of Seoul got defendant of sexual harassment, he killed himself earlier investigations could fifty-fifty hold out underway. He in all likelihood knew that all sorts of nasty things would hold out discovered inward the investigations together with he couldn't comport the embarrassment. He has to hold out the origin populace figure to kill himself earlier whatsoever investigations fifty-fifty took place. Apparently he sent pictures amongst a telegram. He in all likelihood knew in that location was no means out of this.

12. [+94, -5] He could've proven himself inward court; it's sorry but he basically admitted to all the accusations through death.


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