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Studies Demonstrate An Growth Inwards Teen Involvement Inwards Luxury Goods For The 'Flex'

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Source: Asia Econ via Nate

1. [+3,346, -21] A truthful flex is working to earn coin thus you lot tin orbit notice purchase what you lot want. Demanding your parents to purchase you lot something when you lot haven't done anything yourself makes you lot cipher but a dorsum breaker.

2. [+2,668, -23] "5 out of 10 teens bring bought luxury goods" that's thus funny ㅋㅋ I dubiety they "bought" anything since it wasn't amongst their ain money. You hateful your parents bring bought it... sigh...

3. [+2,033, -19] To 'flex' agency to present off your ain achievements. It's deplorable that nosotros equally adults are allowing our teens to grow upwardly thinking that showing off stuff things on SNS without earning whatever of it yourself is something to aspire to. It's uneducated. Who tin orbit notice nosotros blame but the adults?

4. [+113, -2] Educate your children! There are thus many people who are thus blind to self awareness.

5. [+105, -1] Wouldn't a truthful flex hold out "mom, purchase me Gucci" - "I volition if you lot locomote far the overstep 5" in addition to thus getting into the overstep 5?

6. [+97, -1] Korean kids would nigh upwardly if they had to run similar American teens 

7. [+75, -1] Fools, your parents aren't ATMs. You tin orbit notice clothes caput to toe inwards luxury goods, it doesn't hateful you lot await luxurious. 

8. [+66, -1] Aren't expert grades plenty of a flex?


Source: Naver

1. [+1,172, -39] Teens, wearing luxury goods is non a flex. Getting expert grades in addition to showing off your intelligence is a flex You bring youthful skin, unending stamina, in addition to check physiques to boast, why assist nigh anything else? Ah, I audio similar a boomer ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

2. [+1,108, -24] Both the kids bespeak for this stuff in addition to the parents buying it for them aren't sane... where did you lot fifty-fifty acquire such bad things?

3. [+779, -9] To all of you lot teens, it doesn't affair how expensive what you're wearing is, it all merely looks similar knock-offs from the basement stores. Dress according to your age.

4. [+394, -8] Go memorize i to a greater extent than English linguistic communication vocabulary inwards the fourth dimension you're worrying nigh this stuff. You mightiness holler back I'm a boomer but the biggest flex at that spot is is making your ain money, thus focus on your studies straight off thus you lot tin orbit notice brand coin later.

5. [+76, -0] With rappers on TV going Gucci Gucci Rolex Rolex, flex this, flex that, YouTubers showing off hauls worth thousands similar it's nothing... kids are all watching that in addition to changing accordingly, tsk.

6. [+50, -3] If you lot report difficult in addition to acquire a physician or a lawyer, Gucci won't fifty-fifty hold out considered a flex anymore. If you lot acquire into luxury goods at a immature age, you'll alive your life inwards your forties without your ain home.


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