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Korea Ramps Upward Efforts Every 2Nd It Enters Phase 2.5 Of Social Distancing

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Article: 'Good undertaking staying home'

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

1. [+1,399, -63] Something virtually this makes me choke upwards skilful undertaking to everyone for staying domicile despite how hot it was today

2. [+1,331, -50] 'Good undertaking staying home' I similar that championship 🥺🥺🥺

3. [+1,170, -54] Ah, why is this making me choke up!!! Let's all cooperate together with win this together!! Republic of Korea fighting!!

4. [+33, -1] My poor married adult woman has been domicile amongst our children for months on end, she's been suffering.. ㅠㅜ

5. [+28, -2] I haven't opened my front end door inwards 2 days, I'm proud of myself

6. [+25, -3] If exclusively afterward reading this article, I acquire to wake upwards to a novel article tomorrow proverb the virus is over...

7. [+23, -2] I know that people are nonetheless going out but at that topographic point are only equally many of us who are staying home. I trust that nosotros tin sack musical rhythm out this!!

8. [+21, -0] I know that there's a lot of verbalise virtually people non staying domicile inwards the media but this weekend has made me realize that at that topographic point are a lot of us staying domicile too. I looked out to my storey parking lot together with saw it filled amongst cars. When I went out for an errand before that night, the highways were basically empty similar it was 1 am. I was real touched at how people are listening but also a scrap heartbroken at how empty the streets were. Let's all only endure a scrap longer, fighting to everyone inwards our country.

9. [+18, -6] It's e'er the same people next the rules. Those that don't are nonetheless going out. Can't stand upwards seeing people on the elevators amongst bibles inwards hand..

10. [+17, -2] The exclusively fourth dimension I left the household since concluding calendar week was to throw out the trash. My children kept begging to locomote out at commencement but afterward I told them that nosotros demand to live on careful because of the virus, they don't fifty-fifty yell it anymore. It's together with thus wretched to run into my children bespeak for my masks fifty-fifty when they're exclusively going out into the hall ã… ã… 


Article: '0 cases' the miracle of a pre-school... "We kept our masks on"

Source: JTBC via Nate

1. [+3,131, -40] I'm proud of them, they're doing amend than the adults a circular of applause for these children who wearable their masks together with follow the rules

2. [+2,489, -30] Aigoo, I'm together with thus happy for them. If exclusively around adults who nonetheless don't acquire it would larn from y'all guys.

3. [+2,208, -71] Jun Kwang Hoon together with his crazy followers should larn from this

4. [+72, -2] Us adults are sorry...ã… ã… 

5. [+60, -0] Honestly, children are real vigilant virtually keeping their masks on fifty-fifty inwards pre-school together with simple school. I mean value it's because they grew upwards knowing it was natural to wearable because of all the fine dust inwards the air. They don't guide hold whatever sick feelings towards it together with volition fifty-fifty maintain it on until I guide hold to remind them to guide hold it off in ane lawsuit they acquire home. They fifty-fifty know to launder their hands at nowadays afterward an outing Makes me amazed at the pedagogy they're receiving inwards schoolhouse

6. [+42, -1] This province is going backward. Rules that adults should live on next are beingness amend performed past times pre-schoolers, sigh ã… ã…  let's delight acquire our acts together.

7. [+40, -1] Thank y'all to the children for next the rules. Please cash inwards one's chips along maturing equally y'all are. Our province has a lot to run into together with offering in ane lawsuit y'all grow up. Stay healthy, kids.

8. [+40, -2] Yeah, my neighborhood hasn't had whatever novel cases from our simple school. Kids... are actually together with thus skilful at next the rules. I guide hold no to a greater extent than words to spare for the religious. Can't stand upwards that the elderly basically turned all of our early on efforts into nothing.

9. [+33, -2] I asked my half dozen yr former for a osculation without thinking together with she covered her oral fissure proverb no, because of the virus... Kids are next the rules to a T, it's us adults who are the work ㅜㅜ

10. [+32, -2] Props to the teachers... it can't live on an slow undertaking to constantly guide hold to remind every kid of these rules..


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