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Experts Predict That Yesteryear 2025, I Inwards V Koreans Volition Hold Out 65+

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Article: South Korea is aging fast... past times 2025, 1 inward five Koreans volition endure over 65 years old

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

1. [+909, -21] Honestly, this is scarier than the virus. It's basically going to run our province into the ground. It's but that nosotros don't experience the implication of it inward our 24-hour interval to 24-hour interval lives hence we're able to ignore it but we're going to commencement feeling it inward 10 years.

2. [+666, -38] I yell back watching a KBS exhibit that covered this theme in addition to predicted that inward 10-20 years, nosotros won't bring whatever laborers in addition to that we'll bring to facial expression inward other countries (especially South East Asia) to beg people to come upward in addition to grant them citizenships. In but vii years, we'll endure severely lacking a undertaking forcefulness acre however having to back upward the elderly population alongside huge taxes.

3. [+631, -25] People born into poverty are non able to escape it due to the ascent costs inward existent estate. And they're non going to desire to born their children into the same life of slavery either. Korea volition halt upward broken alongside people either unable to teach married or refusing to. 

4. [+69, -1] The taxes that our younger generation are paying are to maintain the elderly population alive. I don't think that we'll bring plenty people to pay taxes for us ane time nosotros make the elderly age...

5. [+57, -1] The younger generation is non getting married or having children acre the elderly population continues to make longer life expectancy rates. With the pandemic these days, I've realized that we're all going to bring to create meticulously for our ain retirements.

6. [+56, -1] This is why I chose to endure a DINK. By the fourth dimension nosotros bring kids in addition to they're quondam plenty to endure working in addition to contributing to gild past times 2050, 30% of the population volition endure elderly... in addition to that's terrifying. I don't know that increasing life expectancy rates is a blessing...

7. [+53, -0] Poverty is a big occupation alongside the elderly population fifty-fifty now, in addition to that's alongside a rigid younger generation that's able to back upward them. By the fourth dimension people inward their 30s-50s make elderly historic menstruum inward the future, nosotros volition no longer bring a younger generation to back upward us. At that rate, the elderly volition endure living exclusively because they haven't died, in addition to I bet suicide rates volition endure to a greater extent than grim in addition to hence too. We're basically f*cked.

8. [+51, -0] I bring been noticing to a greater extent than elderly on the tube than the younger population these days

9. [+30, -1] Please don't bring children if you lot don't bring the coin for it. Why would the kid deserve such a life?

10. [+30, -0] I'm able to teach past times on my ain directly but I don't know that I'll bring the agency to endure happily if I were to teach married in addition to bring children

11. [+29, -0] Even animals don't reproduce if the environmental weather condition aren't correct for them. Why would humans endure whatever different? Having kids inward poverty is a ane way path for the parents into destruction.

12. [+25, -0] People bring teach likewise smart too. They've realized that having children is a difficulty inward this economy.


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