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Family Of Cho Doo Soon's Victim Eventually Decides To Deed Out Of Ansan Due To His Release

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Article: Victim Nayoung's menage unit of measurement eventually decides to larn out Ansan... "We conduct maintain decided due to Cho Doo Soon's release"

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Naver

1. [+2,662, -45] The soil failed to protect the victim. Why does the criminal conduct maintain to a greater extent than rights than the victim? Can his human rights lawyer delight explicate this?

2. [+1,041, -4] This is a soil where a victim has to shroud inward fearfulness of their attacker... a soil where the assailant has to a greater extent than rights than the victim. The victim has to shroud away inward darkness spell the assailant tin freely roam the streets subsequently ruining an entire life, a family. 

3. [+458, -6] Why should the victim's menage unit of measurement move? I'm certain the victim would rather rest inward Ansan amongst her friends.. nosotros should hold upward moving Cho Doo Soon... sigh.

4. [+286, -3] Sigh.. the victim's menage unit of measurement is already living amongst the hurting of that tragedy from the 2nd it happened until now. I'm as well as then upset that they're facing this now. Why larn inward to a greater extent than hard for the victim, why isn't she existence protected?

5. [+85, -2] Please simply brand Cho Doo Soon alive inward the Blue House or amongst the judge's family


Source: Naver + Naver

1. [+1,708, -20] One judge's error has basically seat the entire soil into daze as well as anxiety

2. [+780, -7] How tin people acquit to alive inward the same metropolis every bit him? How tin people allow their petty girls play at the playgrounds anymore?

3. [+126, -2] I involve an interview amongst the guess who sentenced him to 12 years

4. [+115, -1] I tin entirely promise that... at that topographic point volition hold upward no farther tidings on what metropolis she moved to. We're already as well as then upset that she has to motility at all, tin y'all imagine the hurting the family's going through..

5. [+98, -3] This soil is going crazy. A r*pist is roaming the streets spell the victim's menage unit of measurement has to run inward fearfulness as well as alive amongst the trauma their whole lives. 

6. [+1,806, -17] Please brand the guess pay for all the moving expenses

7. [+945, -3] S*x criminals are repeat offenders. The guess should hold upward charged every bit an accomplice if Cho Doo Soon commits roughly other crime.


Source: Nate

1. [+4,568, -19] Is it necessary to publish him at all when no metropolis volition desire him? He's a p*do amongst a high conduct a opportunity of committing roughly other crime..

2. [+4,285, -17] I've never heard of something as well as then ridiculous...

3. [+2,937, -15] Even inward the cases of schoolhouse bullying, it's the victim who ends upward transferring schools, as well as instantly it's the victim hither who has to move. Something is as well as then incorrect amongst the system. Please at to the lowest degree enact a novel constabulary where Cho Doo Soon has to hold upward locked upward inward his habitation in 1 lawsuit he's released.


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