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Father Of Cho Doo Soon's Victim Speaks Inwards Anguish Over His Impending Liberate Dorsum To Their City

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Still from the film 'Sowon'

Article: [Exclusive] The outcry of Nayoung's manful mortal raise "I'd rather popular off into debt to honor Cho Doo Soon somewhere else to move"

Source: Chosun Ilbo via Nate

"My immature adult woman nonetheless has to habiliment a diaper at home. We conduct keep to convey the biggest pads inwards a pocketbook whenever nosotros popular off out on a long trip. You volition never know how that feels equally a raise unless you've experienced it yourself. I am living the life of a criminal because my criminal offence is that I wasn't able to protect my ain child. How is it that possible that Cho Doo Soon volition live on allowed to alive nigh us? If he's genuinely reflecting, why is he choosing to come upward to alive inwards Ansan, where his victim lives? I'd accept out a loan if it meant that I could brand him operate out Ansan to alive elsewhere."

1. [+6,378, -25] I larn then mad hearing anything most Cho Doo Soon... why are nosotros letting such a terrible criminal dorsum into society...

2. [+5,683, -26] Ah, I very simply desire to kill the guy. I wishing I had the coin to hire a killer.

3. [+5,047, -82] You don't involve to popular off into debt for this. Don't worry. Us citizens volition brand certain this doesn't happen.

4. [+325, -4] I conduct keep no thought why the victim's solid unit of measurement needs to live on worrying most this at all. I enquiry whether our laws are very inwards the mention of jurist anymore.

5. [+316, -2] I'm fierce upward hearing most the difficulties existence faced past times Nayoung in addition to her parents. We're then angry in addition to we're entirely strangers... tin give the axe yous imagine how her parents must feel? Do nosotros very conduct keep nada else nosotros tin give the axe try?

6. [+216, -5] He should live on ripped apart to shreds

7. [+211, -3] I'm fifty-fifty to a greater extent than mad because he's the same historic catamenia equally Nayoung's father! Don't retrieve of going into debt for this! I heard Cho Doo Soon was studying the bible inwards jail because he wanted to larn a pastor... does he retrieve that he'll live on forgiven that easily?

8. [+145, -2] What an angry outset to my morning time ㅜㅜ why should the victim conduct keep to alive her life inwards fright because of this?

9. [+134, -1] The kid is nonetheless living inwards suffering in addition to yet the criminal is already dorsum out in addition to continuing amongst his life because the legal organisation feels he's paid his price. This makes my blood run cold.

10. [+116, -1] This isn't simply an Ansan issue. Cho Doo Soon volition live on a occupation no thing where he moves into inwards the country. The entirely identify he deserves to live on is inwards the solid of the approximate who permit him free. 

11. [+84, -1] This is then cruel. Must nosotros farther force this solid unit of measurement into suffering?? Why can't nosotros cook a constabulary that's clearly broken? Why conduct keep nosotros reached a signal where the victim's solid unit of measurement needs to live on proverb this at all??

12. [+84, -2] Please simply post all these criminals to a deserted isle somewhere


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