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Japanese Actress Takeuchi Yuko Passes Away

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Article: Takeuchi Yuko passes away... Japanese celebrity manufacture suffers 'a suicide a month'

Source: E-Daily via Naver

1. [+3,694, -51] Ah, 'Be alongside You' left such a rigid impression on me. May she residue inward peace.

2. [+1,609, -127] She was an amazing actress. She was 1 of the best top stars inward the generation later Matsushima Nanako. In the context of our country, she'd live on unopen to Son Ye Jin's level.

3. [+648, -35] May she residue inward peace. I've e'er loved her industrial plant ㅠㅠ

4. [+632, -41] She was together with hence pretty inward 'Be alongside You'... Her boy is solely ii years old, what is he to do.. ㅜㅜ

5. [+293, -18] May she residue inward peace

6. [+247, -4] This is how scary mental affliction tin be... zip matters inward the confront of it, non wealth, non fame.. ㅠㅠ

7. [+226, -3] I started becoming a fan of together with hence many Japanese dramas together with movies through her, I'm together with hence upset... Her smile confront was together with hence beautiful, I'll e'er yell upwards her for that. May she residue inward peace.

8. [+212, -5] Such a selfish footing where the adept people exit first... When y'all scout her videos, y'all tin only experience how much she sacrifices herself to brand others experience good.. ㅠ I promise she's resting inward heaven, inward a house alongside no contest together with solely respect.

9. [+84, -2] I know she mightiness non live on known to many of us but she's a actually big top star inward Japan;; Nippon must live on going crazy correct now

10. [+84, -9] She has such a immature son... was she suffering from postpartum depression? Her miserable children...


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