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Lg's 'Wing Phone' Blueprint Becomes The Butt Of Jokes

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Article: $1,200 to $1,100 to $1,090... LG Wing "how much should nosotros cost it at?"

Source: Herald Econ via Naver

1. [+441, -77] $200?

2. [+353, -61] No worries, no i volition purchase it no affair what y'all cost it at ㅎ

3. [+131, -12] To all of y'all laughing at them inward the comments, it's non similar you'd purchase it fifty-fifty if they gear upwards it at $500

4. [+38, -2] The cost is non the issue, it's the fact that no i would e'er view buying this phone

5. [+47, -29] $500 would hold out good.. anyone who's used an LG weep would know why

6. [+17, -3] I'd never purchase this merely I don't intend it's a bad pattern for watching YouTube or using Katalk on. You tin plough over the sack fifty-fifty purpose it to scout online classes on the side. It powerfulness hold out useful depending on the user. Obviously no one's buying LG phones for the technical expression then it'd hold out ameliorate for LG to lower their cost as well as come upwards up amongst to a greater extent than out of the box ideas similar this. 

7. [+15, -3] Who would purchase this? I'm actually worried well-nigh anyone who would. 

8. [+10, -0] I abhor that people are making fun of this weep because that's going to brand anyone who buys this experience bad well-nigh themselves. Just remain placidity if y'all don't desire it as well as don't approximate others if they desire to purpose it. Don't brand people experience bad.

9. [+13, -4] Why are people beingness then negative to something experimental? Just allow the people who uncovering this materials useful purchase it as well as snuff it along the comments to yourselves...

10. [+12, -4] I don't fifty-fifty desire this for free


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