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Microdot Marks Comeback Afterward Two Yr Hiatus Alongside Novel Vocal Unloosen 'Responsibility'

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Article: Microdot comes dorsum later 2 years "brave enough"

Source: Chosun Media via Naver

1. [+3,382, -26] Screw off, this dry reason isn't a house for you lot to come upward dorsum to whenever you lot ask money. You should live on reflecting at the bare minimum... Didn't you lot fifty-fifty threaten lawsuits when the #debttoo contention kickoff broke?

2. [+2,044, -17] His career equally a celebrity is already over, isn't it? His parents are inward jail together with the victims of their criminal offense haven't been properly compensated. Just seeing this article nearly him makes me experience gross. Surely he's non thinking of coming dorsum on TV?

3. [+517, -3] He's out of coin together with then he's coming out amongst a vocal that he claims to live on genuinely from the heart. You're no dissimilar from your parents, you're scammers.

4. [+285, -10] Why?? Why come upward back??

5. [+194, -2] You're "brave enough"? More similar your pare is "thick enough"

6. [+163, -0] The bigger occupation is the digital marketplace for accepting his comeback

7. [+157, -1] Does he intend 2 years is plenty for Earth to bring him back? The coin you lot scammed people out of was plenty to purchase a large abode inward Gangnam... intend of the years those people lost. I practice non assist to listen whatever updates nearly your life anymore.

8. [+121, -0] Oh, were these 2 years hard for you? Was it unfair that your parents' crimes were existence position on you? Your victims spent plenty to a greater extent than years living inward combat together with pain, how practice you lot intend their years were? If you lot were really sorry, you lot would never demo your appear upward again! You would brand certain that every cent you lot earned went dorsum to compensating their losses, involvement included! Your parents are deserving of the penalization for their crime. They non entirely ruined the lives of their victims precisely took away years from their lives. You tin pay dorsum a broken life amongst coin precisely you lot tin never purchase dorsum time.

9. [+118, -1] Pay everyone dorsum including interest. Your scam ruined an entire village.

10. [+95, -1] It's slow to intend that the kids guide keep no error inward a criminal offense their parents committed... precisely his error lies inward how he handled the contention when it broke out. Then he went into hiatus equally if he'd never supply again. He does realize that this isn't right, right?


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