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Park Kyung Confirms Rumors That He Was A Schoolhouse Bully

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Article: Park Kyung admits to schoolhouse bullying rumors, "I didn't desire the ikon of beingness a model student... I regret my embarrassing actions"

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Naver

1. [+1,900, -25] His excuse is ridiculous ㅋㅋ

2. [+1,160, -3] So he's really a schoolhouse keen but was a promotional ambassador for preventing schoolhouse bullying ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm laughing at the hypocrisy 

3. [+641, -43] And he dared to nation anything virtually the digital sajaegi controversy? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+568, -13] I checked out the victim's Instagram too I think Park Kyung admitted to it because the victim threatened to bring out worse things if he didn't ㅋㅋㅋ I bet y'all he's swearing virtually the victim on the inside

5. [+502, -5] There must hold upward to a greater extent than than 1 victim because it doesn't fifty-fifty audio similar he remembers who he is. If Park Kyung really hopes to reflect, he should simply retire his career. Imagine how enraging it must hold upward for his victims to possess got to meet him on TV. People amongst dingy pasts shouldn't bother becoming celebrities.

6. [+264, -3] I think what'll touching on his ikon to a greater extent than than the bullying is that he went approximately bragging virtually sleeping amongst girls from other schools ㅋㅋ how tin y'all demonstrate your confront again? 

7. [+254, -3] As a woman raise myself, I wishing celebrities who are schoolhouse bullies would simply hold upward kicked out of the industry. They may non think much of their actions but to the victim too their families, it's hence painful.

8. [+204, -1] He's the absolute worst for bullying those weaker than him too those amongst disabilities. 

9. [+175, -3] There's a big divergence betwixt playing difficult too bullying others. There's something mentally incorrect amongst y'all to possess got bullied those weaker than you. There are tons of students inward schoolhouse who play difficult too struggle each other but never keen those weaker than them.

10. [+160, -1] So he stole coin too trounce upward the disabled, amazing!!


Article: Park Kyung admits to schoolhouse bullying "The iljins looked cool"

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Naver

1. [+1,374, -16] What's the signal of an apology? It doesn't brand the hurting that those students suffered croak away. School bullies require to hold upward dealt amongst severe punishments. I don't larn how these people think they tin alive life all the same they desire too and hence human activity all construct clean too gung ho for judge 1 time they croak celebrities.

2. [+838, -10] So he trounce upward the disabled too bullied others acre acting equally a promotional ambassador for preventing schoolhouse violence. His excuse is ridiculous. He should larn out his grouping too never come upward dorsum again.

3. [+652, -5] Do y'all guys really think celebrities genuinely experience sorry when they apologize? They would've apologized earlier beingness prompted to if they really felt that way. It's alone similar a shot that it's croak controversial too they're at direct a opportunity of losing their careers that they come upward out amongst apologies to relieve themselves. They never would nation a thing if they weren't at direct a opportunity of losing anything. Their victims, meanwhile, are faced amongst living lives total of anxiety too fear. School violence is non something that's committed equally a mistake. It's unfair to justify it equally "immature days of youth".

4. [+238, -7] What is this psycho ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+189, -5] Don't ever come upward dorsum on TV too discovery some other job

6. [+139, -3] I was a victim of schoolhouse bullying... too I'm doing fine inward society. I'll hold upward doing fine until I come upward across articles similar this too I start remembering the bullying similar it happened yesterday, fifty-fifty though it was hence long ago. Sometimes I'll travail to brand excuses for them thinking they were young, these things happen... too and hence I retrieve how much I desire to dig that role of my life out too larn inward croak away. Sure, kids tin hold upward kids, but y'all should alone justify bullying if you're able to alive your life knowing that there's person inward the footing who's living inward hurting because of you. Karma volition ever come upward too larn you. Even later on y'all grow upward too y'all think you've matured too y'all believe inward justice, you'll ever larn hitting amongst karma, simply similar this guy.

7. [+72, -0] So incorrect of him to trounce upward disabled kids

8. [+66, -0] He purposely picked on the weak kids... he's terrible

9. [+63, -2] Meanwhile he was out in that place attacking seniors too juniors virtually sajaegi. Why don't y'all worry virtually yourself commencement y'all keen ㅋ

10. [+61, -1] We should never permit bullies croak celebrities. Kick them out of the manufacture no affair what!


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