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Singer Jang Jae Inwards Seeks To Aid Others Yesteryear Sharing Her Painful Sense Of Assault

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Article: Jang Jae In's brave confession, "I was sexually assaulted at 18, they were a themself"

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Nate

1. [+2,107, -31] Find strength!!!! I promise that solely practiced things hand off to you lot thence that you lot tin forget all nearly your painful memories...

2. [+1,683, -18] What happened to you lot wasn't your fault. I convey observe for your bravery inwards speaking up.

3. [+669, -8] What inwards the world... to convey your twenties ruined because of i evil man... I know she'll never croak those years dorsum but I promise she finds line for to a greater extent than happiness inwards her thirties together with forties Please don't forget that nosotros back upward you

4. [+610, -11] Thank you lot for existence brave plenty to beak up. I know that you'll inspire line inwards the people who are withal suffering no thing if 10 or xx years convey passed. Pay no ask heed to whatever abhor comments. Please fill upward your days alongside practiced people, practiced words, together with practiced music.

5. [+400, -6] You are a potent together with beautiful person. I'll ever back upward meliorate days for you!

6. [+174, -10] He's a criminal. Just encounter him for who he is. He was an animal. His history does non excuse his actions. I don't know that a sort individual such every bit yourself tin empathize the ask heed of someone similar that. I wishing you lot happiness.

7. [+112, -2] Anyone who commits such a criminal offense together with thence tries to shamelessly claim that they were a victim also is solely maxim it to assist themselves slumber meliorate at night. 

8. [+73, -2] Usually criminals are practiced at cosplaying every bit victims... they endeavor to manipulate a woman's sense of sympathy... Criminals are but that, criminals...

9. [+71, -1] I tin intend of at to the lowest degree 10 dissimilar instances of sexual harassment throughout my childhood... I intend all women deport i or 2 experiences alongside them inwards their lives... from someone who groped me inwards wide daylight... to other things that women pick out to remain soundless on. Just also much...

10. [+67, -1] I, too, experienced it from someone who claimed to last my English linguistic communication tutor when I was inwards sixth flat ㅠ I've carried that painful sense until now, together with it's non something that fourth dimension tin heal. Reading this makes me sad. I wishing you lot happiness inwards your days.


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