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Vank Starts International Petition On Lee Hyori's Cyber Lynching

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Article: VANK starts international petition cry for Chinese netizens to cease cyber railroad train on on Lee Hyori

Source: Korea Ilbo via Naver

1. [+790, -4] Why are the Chinese staying serenity on Asada Mao?

2. [+526, -10] Watching the Chinese piece of employment out comments all over Lee Hyori makes me realize how they're controlling the media inwards Korea equally well. I don't intend these are simply rumors anymore. It makes me ill to come across the Chinese netizens elbow grease to command the narrative all over the globe amongst their manipulated comments.

3. [+217, -4] China, who practice y'all intend y'all are to live on maxim this as well as that virtually simply about other country's broadcast show? Are y'all crazy?

4. [+157, -2] There's simply no means to cease them

5. [+121, -2] It's China, there's nada y'all tin do. Things wouldn't convey fifty-fifty gotten this far if they could've been reasoned amongst from the start.

6. [+33, -1] How dare they cyber terrorize us when they haven't fifty-fifty apologized for spreading the virus? The whole globe is going crazy because of you.

7. [+30, -1] I'm going to advert my pet Mao from straight off on

8. [+20, -1] Instagram can't fifty-fifty live on accessed inwards China... as well as therefore how many Chinese are genuinely living inwards Korea?! Ugh, gross.

9. [+17, -0] Naver needs to showtime putting province flags side yesteryear side to comments now

10. [+14, -1] The Chinese brand themselves await as well as therefore bad amongst things similar this


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