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Bap's Onetime Fellow Member Himchan Causes A Drunkard Driving Accident

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 Article: BAP's quondam fellow member Himchan booked for drunkard driving accident piece nether lawsuit for harassment

Source: Chosun Biz via Naver

1. [+123, -1] Kangin vs Himchan

2. [+49, -0] This guy's actually doing it all ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+44, -0] He must've been eating good betwixt all of this, he's gained a lot of weight

4. [+14, -0] Nugyu?

5. [+7, -0] They actually quest to start recruiting celebrities afterwards doing background checks

6. [+5, -0] Himchan vs Kangin, the rivalry of the century has begun...!!! 

7. [+2, -0] People are non meant to live on fixed. Once a slice of trash, ever a slice of trash.

8. [+2, -0] Wow, when did he alter together with thence much.. I could barely recognize him amongst allt hew 8 arrive at on his face. He looks similar an ajusshi now..?


Source: Naver

1. [+59, -2] I don't know who he is but the commencement article I'm ever reading almost him is almost a harassment lawsuit together with drunkard driving. Who is this kid?

2. [+37, -0] Sexual harassment, drunkard driving slice of trash

3. [+16, -0] Just conk a chore working at a host bar side past times side time

4. [+5, -1] Who is this? He's the nugu of nugus

5. [+3, -0] Please simply retire from the manufacture already together with cease taining your group's name

6. [+2, -0] Okay but that flick is also hilarious for an article almost criminal offence together with reflection ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+2, -0] What's the indicate inwards reflecting when the impairment has already been done?


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