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Chinese Netizen Scandalize Over Bts' 6.25 Tilt Causes Samsung, Fila, Hyundai To Delete Bts Content

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Article: Chinese netizens accept consequence amongst 'BTS 6.25 statement'... Samsung, Fila, in addition to Hyundai delete BTS

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Naver

1. [+6,630, -35] BTS said what the truth in addition to that's that. It doesn't affair what the Chinese say, pay no to a greater extent than heed to them. Why create the Chinese kicking upward such a fuss fifty-fifty when nosotros speak the truth? We don't demand the Chinese fans. Let them disappear. How dare yous mess amongst BTS similar this? Everyone inwards the populace hates China, allow them disappear from the earth. BTS fighting.

2. [+3,594, -12] They were the enemy at the time... in addition to thence what's in addition to thence incorrect most that? The biggest threat to our province is China, simply aspect at how they intend they tin flame process us similar we're their property.

3. [+2,480, -6] What create the Chinese expect? For BTS to recall the sacrifices made inwards the bring upward of their communism?

4. [+1,299, -9] The entire populace is laughing at how barbaric the Chinese are

5. [+868, -5] All PRC always knows how to create is teach angry fifty-fifty when the truth is spoken ㅎ

6. [+639, -1] BTS is a South Korean grouping in addition to thence of course of report they're going to say that... China, the province yous helped is North Korea

7. [+355, -0] The Chinese are in addition to thence picayune minded ㅋㅋㅋ BTS is Korean in addition to the Korean state of war is a state of war that is a business office of our history. PRC helped the North at the time, non the South. This is fact. It's unfair to ignore the truth in addition to great people inwards hoards similar this. I promise they realize that they are simply devaluing their ain province past times acting similar this.

8. [+341, -1] ??? Am I the solely 1 who's non agreement this? The 6.25 state of war was betwixt PRC + North vs United States of America + South... in addition to thence why are they expecting a South Korean grouping to mourn the sacrifices of the Chinese soldiers? PRC solely got involved because they knew that if the United States of America took over the South, it would impede on their profits in addition to thence they're the ones who chose to teach involved in addition to sacrifice their ain soldiers in addition to thence why enquire us to mourn that?

9. [+334, -2] At times similar this, I'm simply glad that BTS is solely comprised of Korean members

10. [+311, -9] I'm embarrassed of Samsung in addition to Fila, specially of Samsung, a society that represents our country. BTS did non say anything political in addition to these companies should realize that the occupation lies amongst the Chinese fans who are making this out to hold out an issue.


Article: "We gave in addition to thence much money..." Chinese netizens enraged over BTS statement

Source: Hankyung via Naver

1. [+1,391, -8] Maybe Kim Jong Un, Kim Il Sung, in addition to Kim Jung Il are grateful for your contributions but non us. And delight hold out honest amongst yourselves, your province solely got involved because yous didn't desire to edge a democratic country.

2. [+945, -9] Look at these smelly virus incubators barking... yous create realize that the whole populace is suffering because of you?

3. [+586, -4] If PRC had non gotten involved, nosotros would've solely lost 1/10 of the lives that nosotros did, in addition to both countries would've been unified

4. [+285, -6] Come on, our province gave yous plenty skills for yous to alive off of. You've solely gotten equally far equally yous conduct keep equally a province thank yous to all the skills the Koreans conduct keep passed on to you.

5. [+153, -0] ?? But we're the South in addition to the province PRC helped is the North?? Do the Chinese non fifty-fifty know basic history?


Source: Naver

1. [+810, -5] BTS has grown plenty to the signal where they don't demand the Chinese marketplace anymore. I'm proud of them in addition to I promise that they don't apologize to the Chinese ever.

2. [+486, -1] The Chinese expects everyone inwards the populace to cater to their tainted tape of history or they'll teach angry in addition to boycott everything. If China's in addition to thence mad, run brand your ain BTS. I genuinely can't stand upward the Chinese at all.

3. [+386, -3] Should've listened to MacArthur when he wanted to bomb PRC in addition to simply unified the North in addition to South

4. [+321, -5] This is genuinely quite practiced for BTS, it lets them weed out the Chinese fans

5. [+94, -0] Big Hit... nosotros all know that the Chinese marketplace is where the money's at but it's best that yous simply give them up. If yous allow yourselves teach dragged around past times the Chinese every fourth dimension they throw a tally similar this, BTS volition never hold out able to speak freely again. Just surrender the marketplace in addition to allow BTS promote freely.


Source: Nate

1. [+150, -1] What a joke

2. [+132, l-0] Are the Chinese all nether hypnosis or something? 

3. [+113, -3] Please disappear amongst Nippon from this earth!

4. [+23, -0] "NO CHINA" for us too

5. [+20, -0] They're the ones who chose to bring together the war. If it weren't for them, the North in addition to South would've reunited.

6. [+19, -0] What sacrifice are they talking about? They're the ones who joined the North. Do they fifty-fifty conduct keep encephalon cells? Do they non run into that BTS is non a North Korean group? 

7. [+16, -0] So sick of these Chinese acting upward again, simply nigh upward already

8. [+13, -0] The fact of the affair is that BTS could throw away the Chinese marketplace in addition to withal hold out fine...


Source: Daum

1. [+5,849, -9] They're crazy. The Chinese were the enemy during the Korean war, what create they await BTS to do? To process the United States of America soldiers, who were our allies, similar zip to praise the Chinese? They're non fifty-fifty making whatsoever sense!

2. [+3,993, -11] The Japanese don't know our history, the Chinese know the incorrect history... what a mess upward in addition to down...

3. [+2,343, -4] A Korean grouping is talking most Korean history, what just is the occupation here?

4. [+2,150, -9] China, this is why you've run the joke of the world

5. [+1,636, -8] This is ridiculous. They tin flame run enquire a North Korean instead of quest BTS, a South Korean group, to mourn their sacrifices. Do they non know what province BTS is from?


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