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Irene's Stylist Exposes Her Abusive Attitude, Irene Issues Apology

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Article: Irene admits to abusing her authority, "I personally met amongst the stylist in addition to apologized"

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Naver

1. [+337, -2] So a stylist needs to accept amongst her a recording device + their ain carrier + the back upwards of others inwards her manufacture inwards social club for a large companionship similar SM to in conclusion bow down... Irene must've been quite high upwards on her Equus caballus for others to come upwards forward, similar the managing director of her recent pic in addition to other staff...

2. [+302, -4] Look at that pitiable apology ㅋㅋ

3. [+231, -2] This is a comment made past times a staff on Irene's pic left on Instagram: "I of late worked amongst someone who's famous for beingness pretty.. I've worked inwards this manufacture for a long fourth dimension in addition to accept seen plenty of actors, but this somebody exceeded the imagination. I idea at offset that she mightiness only observe the cinema laid unfamiliar but that's only how her grapheme naturally is. She's glamorized these negative traits equally beingness shy or sensitive... but I truly felt in addition to therefore bad for her maknae manager. She should only stick to what she's expert at. Don't bother others past times trying to teach into something you lot don't accept the science for. All of us staff accept said... that she had this coming for her."

4. [+200, -3] It's non that she wasn't "mature", it's that she lacked a basic sense of respect. To come across other pic in addition to companionship staff pressing similar on the postal service in addition to teach out comments makes me wonder how harsh she must've been to others too, tsk tsk. People are maxim that "she had this coming for her". This volition follow her for the ease of her career now.

5. [+180, -1] The types of abuse she did: a staff would last helping Irene set on her shoes in addition to Irene would catch the staff's pilus to observe balance, she'd force a staff on the brow past times the finger in addition to claim she was only "checking upwards on her"... It's the minute postal service past times the editor who exposed her.

6. [+124, -1] What's inwards that recording that made SM apologize correct away? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ She truly must accept the worst mental attitude inwards the world. More in addition to to a greater extent than keeps spilling out.

7. [+113, -0] What form of life has she lived that there's non i somebody coming out to shield her other than her crazy stupid fangirls? How tin everyone inwards the manufacture last meeting to discover her similar this? What did she practice to them that she's already coming out amongst an apology earlier they've already released the evidence? Kids, alive your lives amongst honor for others. It volition all come upwards dorsum to you lot inwards the end. Life is close looking out for those to a greater extent than or less you, non living selfishly.

8. [+97, -0] I was ever frustrated past times people defending her maxim she's only "sensitive" but she truly did accept this coming for her. I've noticed that people who brand the same facial expressions equally Irene all accept disgusting attitudes. At to the lowest degree inwards school, you lot tin ignore them, but it's a dissimilar province of affairs inwards the operate place. She seems to misunderstand the type of somebody she is because she is non chic at all. Her fans accept been also form to her because of her belatedly debut, ever treating her amongst the "our unni our unni " shields.

9. [+68, -0] Even amongst the apology, that doesn't alter that the stylist is the victim. Imagine the glares she must last suffering at operate correct now. How tin you lot appear her to proceed working amongst SM? Even amongst these exposures, the somebody who suffers the most loss is the political party amongst less power. With xv years of sense inwards the industry, she patently knows how the manufacture tin be, in addition to therefore she must've had plenty amongst Irene to withal come upwards forrad similar this.

10. [+68, -0] You require to last expert to people earlier things teach to this point. Apologizing exclusively because they've exposed you lot is non a genuine apology. I knew that she was relying also much on her expert looks to teach through TV.


Source: Naver

1. [+573, -7] I observe it... brazen that she made a veteran amongst xv years of sense inwards her plain to kneel earlier her

2. [+275, -7] This apology has null genuine close it ㅋㅋ she's non going to reverberate over anything, personalities don't change

3. [+245, -1] Dozens of manufacture staff are criticizing her... that's an amazing feat inwards itself...

4. [+228, -3] It must've been truly difficult to embrace upwards her b*tchy personality equally beingness "shy" all this fourth dimension ㅋㅋㅋ farewell, I never desire to come across you lot over again ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+119, -3] It's obvious what's going to come about next. At their side past times side concert, she's going to sob in addition to vociferation in addition to her fans volition forgive her ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ obvious

6. [+94, -1] I want the stylist volition only liberate the recording anyway. The apology was patently ghost written past times someone inwards the company, in addition to there's additional speak close whether fifty-fifty Seulgi's actions count equally an abuse of say-so or not... Unfortunately, this isn't Irene's offset mental attitude controversy, so... It might've been slowly for SM to embrace for i or 2 artists but to accept an entire staff of people inwards the manufacture meeting similar this is pretty big...

7. [+60, -2] The postal service made it audio similar these rumors had been going to a greater extent than or less inwards the manufacture for a long fourth dimension in addition to therefore I incertitude it was exclusively of late that Irene's mental attitude striking stone bottom. Irene volition straight off stand upwards for the stereotype of immature people who hand rich in addition to abuse their ability over others. What a shame. An picture is truly null but a shell.

8. [+52, -2] If she had been whatsoever other idol, this would've been the halt of her career. She's lucky that she's nether SM in addition to isn't getting equally much hate.

9. [+48, -0] That recording must accept quite the bear witness for her to acknowledge in addition to apologize this fast???? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Since she was exposed to last pointing fingers at people, she must've been worse on the recording. To brand someone who's been inwards the manufacture for xv years vociferation at your ain actions... how much of a b*tch practice you lot accept to be?

10. [+47, -2] Don't desire to ever come across you lot over again aside from Seulgi in addition to Wendy, cheerio bye

11. [+52, -2] There's no staff inwards the manufacture who doesn't know close how abusive Irene in addition to Yeri are ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

12. [+28, -0] How bad is that recording that SM already has their tail betwixt their legs

13. [+28, -0] I'm going to approximate that this volition start some other chain of #metoos soon


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