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Netizens Commence To Reconsider The Korean Eating Civilization Of Sharing Soups Together With Side Dishes

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Article: Eating out of the same jjigae bowl? It's fourth dimension for Korean eating civilization to change

Source: E-Daily via Nate

1. [+410, -13] With jjigaes, we've started to normalize putting to a greater extent than or less aside for yourself inwards a dissever bowl... The existent work is the sharing of all the side dishes..

2. [+246, -11] I intend what's to a greater extent than unsafe during these times isn't all the shared jjigaes together with side dishes but the container that holds all the utensils for people to accept out. You're jump to halt upward touching the other utensils spell pulling your spoon out, thus imagine if an infected somebody reached inwards for a spoon together with thus spread it to everyone else who used that container? 

3. [+197, -26] Whenever I come across my co-workers dip their spoon into a side dish, I'll reject to swallow it fifty-fifty if it's my favorite

4. [+28, -5] It's also incorrect to bill people of beingness likewise sensitive when they convey this up

5. [+25, -5] It's close fourth dimension nosotros alter our eating culture. Ladle aside to a greater extent than or less jjigae for yourself inwards dissever bowls, component out the side dishes for everyone individually... it'll non alone bring down waste matter but it's in all probability to a greater extent than hygienic too. It's fourth dimension that nosotros focus to a greater extent than on hygiene together with cleanliness.

6. [+20, -6] That's why I ever component out everything for myself separately. Need to kickoff educating kids who dip their spoons into everything.

7. [+19, -5] Don't you lot acquire looks if you lot all the same swallow similar this outside?

8. [+17, -0] What's also a work is when everyone's drinking out of together with sharing shots from the same soju glass.. ugh, gross..

9. [+14, -1] I learned inwards history that Koreans truly had a civilization of private portions 100 years agone until nosotros went through all those wars together with nutrient became scarce thus it was easier for everyone to swallow from the same table... I intend the pandemic is only returning us to how nosotros originally used to eat.

10. [+10, -0] I yell back only final year, people were nagging close anyone who dared to complain close non wanting to part from the same bowl... the pandemic has managed to alter a habit that I never idea would change.

11. [+9, -0] I shudder thinking of all the spoons that ate out of the same jjigae ㅋㅋ

12. [+7, -2] Even amongst traditions, it has to alter to represent the times. Don't resist it. 


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