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Netizens Mourn Amongst Samsung Kin

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Article: "Let me brag close my daughters" CEO Lee Gun Hee... 2 daughters post him off inward tears

Source: Money Today via Nate

1. [+1,700, -25] Just because you're rich doesn't brand the hurting of losing a parent whatsoever less...

2. [+1,229, -31] Hoping his children tin give the axe detect strength. May he balance inward peace.

3. [+1,039, -27] May he balance inward peace. His identify unit of measurement is doing a neat job.

4. [+168, -3] Most chaebol families convey siblings fighting over fortunes in addition to favoring of the oldest male, only Samsung has never caused vibrations because they process all their children equally. The siblings are all super closed as well. They're ever belongings hands in addition to looking later on each other side yesteryear side. It's telling of why Samsung is the best company... balance inward peace.

5. [+160, -5] He was specially fond of Lee Boo Jin. There's a famous trouble concern human relationship of when she wanted to get married roughly ridiculous homo in addition to he never reprimanded her. People saw him sitting at the same cafe he talked to her inward for hours later on she had left.

6. [+115, -1] Out of all the chaebols, his children are the most successful. Koreans consider Samsung non solely the best fellowship inward the Blue Planet only also the best chaebol identify unit of measurement as well. I promise he rests inward peace.

7. [+102, -1] He must move reunited alongside his maknae immature adult woman inward sky now

8. [+87, -3] Such a improve storey than other chaebol families who destination upwards inward fights in addition to abuse of ability as shortly as the manful somebody parent passes...

9. [+56, -2] He has reunited alongside his 3rd daughter

10. [+55, -3] I'm certain he never got over the grief of losing his maknae immature adult woman in addition to then early...

11. [+53, -4] The moving painting of them belongings hands breaks my heart. Just because they're chaebols doesn't hateful the hurting of losing a parent hurts whatsoever less... detect strength.

12. [+50, 1-] Commoner or chaebol, it hurts to lose a parent regardless...


Source: Naver

1. [+2,787, -23] I've never seen such closed siblings out of whatsoever chaebol famil than them.. They're ever together, whether it's to run into baseball game games or through hardship... Lee Gun Hee was both an amazing homo of affairs in addition to father.

2. [+1,943, -32] Lee Boo Jin had such a deep connectedness alongside Lee Gun Hee. It's in addition to then human to run into her in addition to then sad. Out of all the chaebol children, she has the kindest in addition to warmest grapheme of them all.

3. [+1,200, -19] I was watching the tidings in addition to it was heartbreaking to run into Lee Boo Jin crying in addition to then hard. She couldn't fifty-fifty concur herself upwards in addition to Lee Jae Yong had to concur her hand. 

4. [+545, -16] May he balance inward peace. Thank you lot for all that you've done.

5. [+284, -0] I promise that the 3 siblings Pb the fellowship good without getting into whatsoever fights. They are rattling a regal identify unit of measurement that represents our country.

6. [+245, -4] You tin give the axe say they were raised well

7. [+175, -2] Samsung did such a neat project of raising their children. They're all in addition to then handsome in addition to beautiful too.

8. [+143, -1] Other chaebol families are ever getting into fights only the Samsung children convey ever shown such closed blonds... Lee Gun Hee ran i of the best companies only also a rigid identify unit of measurement as well.

9. [+115, -2] I convey no ties at all to Samsung only I'm grateful to them as a Korean citizen. We convey lost a neat star. May he balance inward peace.

10. [+114, -4] He is the giant of our generation. Rest inward peace.


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