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Nurses Accept Crime To Dark Pink's Portrayal Of Their Uniform Inwards Novel Mv

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Article: Korean Health together with Medical Workers' Union angered, "Nurse outfits inward Black Pink's music video are sexualizing together with putting downward our profession"

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Naver

1. [+532, -121] Isn't it normally the people who claim themselves to survive feminism who are ever viewing things inward a weird, sexual manner? Why are they ever accusing everything of beingness sexually degrading? Why exercise they view everything nether such a lens when everyone else isn't thinking that? 

2. [+208, -70] The music video scene is an appear of the lyrics maxim that fifty-fifty a doc wasn't able to ready the hurting of beingness lovesick together with that she had to overcome it herself. Jennie is playing the operate of both doc together with patient together with showing that she's a potent woman. "I'm priceless, A prince non fifty-fifty on my list, Love is a drug that I quit. No doc could assist when I'm lovesick." Please don't autumn for bait similar this together with back upward the type of adult woman that Black Pink is trying to express.

3. [+194, -77] All this fuss in i lawsuit to a greater extent than alongside the outfits? Why is everything ever beingness defendant of beingness sexualized? 

4. [+89, -30] Feminists claim to survive feminists past times twenty-four hr menses but they're patently watching p*rn every nighttime if they know that nurse outfits are sexualized, aigoo ㅡㅡ

5. [+91, -39] It was a curt iii bit scene, it's weird that people are fixating on that together with thinking upward such weird things nearly it (if you lot read the lyrics, their intentions are completely different). I honestly experience similar people are taking out their mental wellness problems on Black Pink;;

6. [+86, -40] Are the commenters hither completely insane?;;; I teach that you're trying to defend your favorite grouping but how tin mail away you lot claim that they're non sexualizing an entire profession past times their outfit when they've shortened it together with styled it inward such a manner? Have you lot ever seen someone accept a judge's robe together with shorten it into a bodycon wearing clothing similar this? No nurse inward existent life would wearable such an over the hap uniform. Don't you lot mean value nurses receive got a correct to experience offended past times their portrayal? How would you lot experience if a grouping every bit influential every bit Black Pink portrayed your profession inward such a manner;; It's non only nearly the lyrics.

7. [+48, -4] This work continues to survive brought upward fourth dimension together with fourth dimension in i lawsuit to a greater extent than because nurses boot the bucket on to survive negatively affected past times their portrayal past times celebrities. I mean value about people are treating this similar it's non a big bargain only because it doesn't acquit upon them.

8. [+51, -15] I'm a human being but I empathize why the nurses would experience this way. They're already working such difficult jobs, imagine having to bargain alongside sexual harassment on hap of that... I tin mail away encounter why they'd experience uncomfortable seeing their profession portrayed similar this on TV.

9. [+40, -5] If nurses took law-breaking to this, that's it, it's game over. Why exercise 3rd political party people mean value they receive got a correct to an view on the subject? Just because "that wasn't the intention" doesn't hateful that nurses don't confront sexual harassment because of portrayals similar this.

10. [+35, -2] All feminism issues aside, I observe it disgusting that nurses boot the bucket on to survive portrayed inward this manner

11. [+42, -8] I teach that liberty of appear exists but from the perspective of the nurses, I tin mail away encounter why they teach thus pissed seeing this. They already teach treated similar slaves inward the hospitals together with and then they receive got to bargain alongside all the creepy ajusshis sexually harassing them because of this ikon that p*rn has lay on them. Black Pink is no longer a rookie group, they should survive erstwhile plenty to stride upward together with state that outfits similar this are wrong.. tsk, pathetic.

12. [+31, -4] Nurses are out at that spot suffering correct right away inward masks together with amount torso suits, it's thoughtless to portray them similar this inward skirts together with high heels

13. [+29, -5] Nurses receive got every correct to survive mad

14. [+27, -3] Then why is it okay to receive got woman individual together with manlike individual groups dancing inward schoolhouse uniforms? 

15. [+26, -4] Men don't empathize what the resultant is because they've never been victim of sexual harassment. Nurses inward the hospitals are even thus facing sexual harassment every twenty-four hr menses at piece of work today, together with moreso than other professions because their uniforms receive got long been a plain of report of sexualization past times the media. 

16. [+23, -5] As a nurse suffering through the pandemic correct now, this bothers me thus much


Source: Naver

1. [+277, -22] Now that I withdraw heed the nurses' side of the story, they exercise seem right

2. [+143, -5] I tin mail away encounter why nurses experience angered past times seeing scenes similar this

3. [+100, -13] I'm thus ill together with tired of professions beingness sexualized similar this

4. [+67, -2] As expected from YG. They're ever doing things that don't check the standards of our society.

5. [+21, -4] They're right, though..

6. [+15, -0] This has been an resultant for a spell now, specially alongside people cosplaying every bit nurses. Isn't this YG's error for failing to consider this when putting it inward an influential idol's music video?

7. [+14, -5] I don't teach why people are accusing the nurses of overreacting to this. Do you lot guys actually non empathize how scenes similar this alter the perception of nurses inward existent life? It downgrades them. Do people non encounter what the uniforms of nurses appear similar inward existent life?

8. [+3, -0] I'm currently hospitalized together with all of my nurses are angels. This isn't a project that you lot tin mail away exercise without a feel of duty. YG, you lot ameliorate halt degrading such amazing people.


Source: Naver

1. [+3,139, -393] Sometimes I experience similar our province is stricter than Islam or Bharat ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+1,033, -221] I didn't mean value of anything when I saw it thus I'm amazed at the imaginations turning this into something sexual ㅋ

3. [+280, -71] I mean value nurses would teach mad seeing this. It's a profession that deserves honour but it's ever portrayed inward this mode on TV. 

4. [+536, -347] She's playing the operate of a healer, non a nurse. It's an appear of healing your pump together with gaining self confidence!! I approximate the lyrics would teach inward closer to a psychologist!!! I don't know why this is controversial... the uniform is a modern version check for the music video. Why are you lot sexualizing it!!!

5. [+119, -31] This is basically the same every bit portraying a manlike individual doc past times dressing him exclusively inward underwear alongside a stethoscope. No nurse dresses similar this at work. This is sexualization. 

6. [+103, -16] The criticisms are right. How tin mail away you lot debate that nurses aren't dressed this agency inward p*rn? Maids, stewardesses, it's all degrading to the people inward those professions.

7. [+144, -58] I'm a electrical flow nurse together with this makes me uncomfortable together with upset. I seriously loathe that my profession is seen inward such a manner.

8. [+80, -11] If the lyrics are nearly "healing the heart", together with then why non only wearable a doctor's gown? It's been a long fourth dimension since nurses stopped wearing those caps thus why is she wearing one? And who wears such curt skirts to work? Why are nurse uniforms ever portrayed this way? 


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