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Rage Grows Over Chinese Idols Supporting Ccp Propaganda

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Article: China amps upwards claims on '6.25 beingness a North invasion' in addition to idols back upwards it... Korean authorities remains silent

Source: Money Today via Daum

1. [+3,624, -43] All Chinese members inward K-Pop groups ask to live on kicked out. All they're doing is tainting K-Pop in addition to backstabbing everyone. These idols are basically blood-red guards for communism SM in addition to JYP ask to accept the Pb in addition to thence that amusement agencies no longer recruit Chinese trainees !!!

2. [+2,851, -22] The North had hundreds of fighter jets in addition to tanks field the South had non 1 fighter jet in addition to thence delight explicate to me at nowadays the South invaded the North. Are y'all fools to believe that? 

3. [+1,070, -27] I can't believe in addition to thence many kids who don't know whether the state of war was a North or South invasion exist. We ask to encourage history teaching in addition to criticize what's wrong.

4. [+1,063, -39] The Koreas couldn't live on unified because of China in addition to that's why BTS needs to serve inward the Earth forces now...

5. [+1,081, -344] Anyone who supports Chinese idols is to a greater extent than trash than our government

6. [+18, -1] Shouldn't our solid soil live on retorting this? Instead of letting the United States of America of America produce it? It's undisputed fact that the North invaded the South.. how tin strength out China claim that the South invaded the North? At the time, nosotros had no fighter jets or tanks of our own, in addition to our soldiers were pushed dorsum to the Nakdonggang river... what to a greater extent than needs to live on said? Nothing they state tin strength out alter the fact that the 6.25 state of war was the North invading the South..

7. [+14, -1] Kick out all Chinese idols. Tell them to learn live on idols inward North Korea. They are all members of the communist party.

8. [+13, -0] All celebrities who back upwards China's claims ask to learn live on idols inward Democratic People's Republic of Korea in addition to non South Korea

9. [+7, -1] How tin strength out China brand such brazen claims when survivors of the 6.25 state of war are yet alive? Once plenty fourth dimension has passed, China volition commencement claiming compensation for their ain soldiers dying the war. 

10. [+4, -0] Chinese idols who select to distort history must live on kicked out of this country

11. [+4, -0] EXO, Cosmic Girls, f(x), delight learn to China in addition to brand your coin there. f(x) is already disbanded in addition to thence ban Victoria from entering the country, in addition to EXO in addition to Cosmic Girls ask to ban the offending members. I'm in addition to thence embarrassed that this is fifty-fifty happening when in addition to thence many sacrificed their lives for us. The Chinese invaded in addition to trampled on our solid soil in addition to are at nowadays calling themselves the hero field making their coin here. Just post them all back. We already know that they're notorious for stealing our technology scientific discipline in addition to backstabbing us inward the end. Don't taint the efforts of our ancestors simply for roughly coin inward the end.

12. [+3, -0] Whose side is our authorities on? Kick these idols out immediately.


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