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Samsung's Lee Gun Hee Passes Away At 78

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Article: Samsung group's Lee Gun Hee passes away at 78 years old

Source: Han via Naver

1. [+655, -4] May he remainder inward peace, hopefully he's inward a improve place

2. [+302, -13] May he remainder inward peace. He held our country's economic scheme on his shoulders, in addition to I'm grateful for it.

3. [+177, -9] Losing thence many stars inward the fiscal world. I promise that his boy is able to smoothen calorie-free on his legacy. 

4. [+105, -4] What's the betoken inward beingness thence rich.. when yous can't fifty-fifty larn inward to lxxx alongside your health.. Thank yous for advancing our country's economic scheme every bit far every bit yous have.. I promise yous remainder inward peace.

5. [+78, -6] He worked thence hard for his country. I pray that he's resting inward peace.

6. [+37, -1] Our Earth has lost such a big star. Our economic scheme would non live on every bit potent every bit it is instantly without him. Rest inward peace.

7. [+12, -1] May he remainder inward peace. He lost his daughter, suffered through the divorces of his other fille in addition to son, lost relationships alongside his brothers, became the target of the media in addition to government... He may arrive at got had a lot of coin simply he's lived a life to a greater extent than hard than most. I promise he rests inward peace now.

8. [+10, -0] I am genuinely happy to larn to operate nether such a proud company. May he remainder inward peace, in addition to I pray that he isn't pain there.


Source: Nate

1. [+1,097, -29] May he remainder inward peace

2. [+978, -36] 78 is all the same a immature historic catamenia past times today's standards... how unfortunate

3. [+871, -33] He was the #1 figure who brought our Earth to the international stage. May he remainder inward peace.

4. [+103, -2] He's a figure who volition live on remembered inward our country's history. Rest inward peace.

5. [+83, -7] Sometimes it doesn't affair how many smart people a Earth has if at that spot aren't the resources that apply them. Samsung's Lee Byung Chul in addition to Lee Gun Hee did exactly that. They may arrive at got made mistakes simply they are deserving of our respect. May he remainder inward peace.

6. [+70, -3] He genuinely led a companionship that held our country's entire economic scheme inward the palm of his hands... What an amazing feat. Rest inward peace.

7. [+66, -3] Such a huge figure for our country. May he remainder inward peace.

8. [+46, -8] Samsung has helped our Earth boot the bucket the Earth it is today. Thank yous for creating something that our people tin live on proud of. Rest inward peace.


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