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Japan Notices Hallyu Together With Dark Pinkish Are Growing Chop-Chop Inward Body Of Body Of Water Countries

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 Article: Japan feels the threat of Hallyu's popularity inward South East Asia... why is Black Pink together with hence trendy there?

Source: Everyday Economy via Naver

Article takes a hold back at a Japanese tidings article reporting on Hallyu inward Thailand titled "Hallyu's ability witnessed inward Thailand... nosotros should experience the threat" along amongst surveys inward 4 SEA countries on the pouplarity of international media

On the most pop international dramas:
49% viewed dramas from Korea
26% from the US
16% from China
6% from Japan
2% from the UK

On the most pop international varieties:
41% viewed varieties from Korea
33% from the US
13% from China
9% from Japan
3% from the UK

On the most pop international movies:
53% viewed movies from the US
27% from Korea
12% from China
4% from Japan
2% from the UK

When asked how long they idea Hallyu's popularity would last:
8.9% idea it was already over
25.25% idea 1-2 years
26.35% idea 3-4 years
19.7% idea 5-9 years
9.8% idea 10-14 years
3.25% idea 15-29 years
6.75% idea over xxx years


1. [+403, -60] Well the article basically reiterated what the Japanese intend together with it's that their ain marketplace is together with hence large that they don't demand international appeal, which is a joke ㅋㅋ It's non similar the US or the United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland of Britain together with Northern Republic of Ireland possess got together with hence much international appeal because their ain markets are together with hence small. The Japanese but don't possess got the science or sense inward producing content that's trendy plenty to expire along upward amongst international changes. Their principal consumer bases are otakuas together with homemakers who agree a large slice of the pie together with hence they can't but ditch them to chase bigger appeal, they're but stuck going backwards similar that. Red People's Republic of China tries to brand the same excuse every bit Nippon past times talking most how their ain marketplace is large plenty but hold back at the content they produce, tin laissez passer on the axe y'all actually blame marketplace size on that?

2. [+304, -16] People possess got been maxim since xx years agone that Hallyu would entirely final 2-3 years. People tin laissez passer on the axe larn sick of Hallyu all they desire but in that location isn't whatever other content that tin laissez passer on the axe supercede it nonetheless together with hence it's going to final a lot longer than people think..

3. [+118, -16] At to the lowest degree Nippon has anime together with AV, both are markets that no other province tin laissez passer on the axe beat. AV is doing fine together with hence I doubtfulness Japan's every bit good worried most that.. unless Red People's Republic of China starts trying to trounce them out amongst quantity.. ㅋㅋ

4. [+72, -10] But Nippon has AV

5. [+52, -10] It's okay, Nippon has Arashi ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+33, -0] Hallyu is something that came most naturally without authorities intervention. The authorities but needs to larn out it lonely together with halt trying to regulate it together with but allow it grow. Hallyu is what's most Korean.

7. [+23, -0] At to the lowest degree Nippon leads the basis inward the AV market. No ane tin laissez passer on the axe trounce them at that ㅋㅋ

8. [+8, -0] Black Pink is dominating. They're a grouping that has the pros of every other daughter grouping wrapped upward inward ane group.


Source: Nate

1. [+360, -4] Obviously Thailand is crazy for Black Pink because Lisa is Thai

2. [+240, -10] Instead of backstabbing Chinese idols, I'd rather companies prepare to a greater extent than idols from South Eastern Asia similar Lisa

3. [+226, -12] Lisa's such a gem

4. [+23, -3] Japanese idols can't fifty-fifty compare to Korea, they hold back similar they're doing gym exercises ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+19, -3] Well no ane tin laissez passer on the axe e'er trounce Nippon inward AV ㅠㅠ every bit lamentable every bit it makes me, nosotros must acknowledge what's true!!

6. [+15, -1] I'm but glad Black Pink doesn't possess got Chinese members...

7. [+14, -3] Korea is the best at producing cultural content

8. [+8, -1] Japanese idols are produced for the otaku consumerbase together with hence they possess got no run a endangerment for international appeal at all

9. [+8, -1] Black Pink is the best ^^

10. [+6, -1] Just become together with compare the outfits betwixt Japanese singers together with Korean singers... the divergence is every bit good real


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