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Kang Sora Announces That She Is Pregnant

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Article: Kang Sora, who married a Dr. 8 years older, is due to give nascence inwards April

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+248] Wait, when did this unni larn married?

2. [+160] Wow... when did she larn married?

3. [+85] And who cares if the babe was conceived earlier marriage.. why are the comments such a mess

4. [+43] Just straight off finding out that she's both married as well as pregnant

5. [+21] I had no reckon she was married

6. [+10] What does the timing of the pregnancy matter? So what if she had to clarify that it wasn't? Maybe she didn't desire to hold upwardly stressed yesteryear all the assumptions. Just congratulate her as well as deed on. Why are you lot sitting in that place calculating the dates simply to run into whether they were married or non beforehand? Kang Sora-ssi, congratulations ^^

7. [+9] It must hold upwardly a honeymoon baby, congratulations ❤️

8. [+1] Sounds similar she got important inwards July as well as they got married inwards August ㅎㅎ congratulations, I convey a feeling it's a boy


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