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Kim Jong Un's Half-Nephew Kim Han Sol Nether Us Cia Custody

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Article: "Kim Jong Nam's boy Kim Han Sol taken past times the CIA" 

Source: Segye Ilbo via Nate

1. [+302, -1] What a dynamic life at such a immature age... he must wake upwards every twenty-four lx minutes menstruation inwards fear...

2. [+216, -4] The fact that people are scared that he powerfulness hold out assassinated at whatsoever time, whatsoever house agency that Kim Jong Un's excogitation is successful

3. [+113, -3] Kim Han Sol needs to hold out protected. He's the final promise of the North's regime, together with he's the solely woke fellow member of the Kim family.

4. [+21, -0] Kim Han Sol is Kim Il Sung's eldest son's oldest son's oldest son. In price of legitimacy, Kim Han Sol is at the transcend together with Kim Jong Un lags far behind. Kim Han Sol's in all probability the strongest inwards business in 1 lawsuit Kim Jong Un dies.

5. [+12, -0] He's solely hold out nevertheless because he's nether USA protection, otherwise he'd hold out gone past times now...

6. [+10, -0] He must hold out every twenty-four lx minutes menstruation inwards fearfulness of randomly beingness killed similar Kim Jong Nam was

7. [+8, -1] Aigoo.. I experience bad for him.. particularly inwards a fourth dimension similar ours... what form of life is this, all because of a greedy pig...

8. [+5, -0] I'm certain the CIA is taking skillful attention of him


Source: Naver

1. [+521, -5] Much abide by to everyone putting their lives on the business to larn by for North Korea

2. [+255, -5] Kim Jong Un's in all probability together with then nervous almost Kim Han Sol beingness alive, it's his biggest complex

3. [+94, -1] Feels similar I watched a movie... it's scary that such a life tin exist. It every bit good makes me thankful that my ain life is together with then average that I'm only sitting hither wondering what I'm going to consume for lunch.

4. [+83, -3] Hopefully this is only 1 stride closer to saving the people of Democratic People's South Korea inwards the future

5. [+38, -2] I don't similar that this is inwards the news. If his place e'er got out, Democratic People's South Korea would never remain serenity almost it. They'll fix out to assassinate him without a trace. 


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