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Thousands Of Parents Pray At The Famous 'Gatbawi' Stone Equally The College Entrance Examine Looms

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Article: Every morn at iv am, mothers kneel inwards prayer... 1,000 hold off inwards trouble to pray at this i boulder

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Nate

The 'Gatbawi' stone became famous for its statue of Buddha wearing a 'gat', which believers came to symbolize equally a place of blessings together with worship for futurity exam takers due to the 'gat' besides looking similar a college graduation cap.

The stone has expire a house of promise this yr fifty-fifty moreso due to the many changes together with complications to the exam brought virtually past times the virus, leaving parents desperate for hope. A 49 yr quondam woman nurture said, "I come upwardly every weekend to bow 108 times for my 2nd daughter, who volition survive taking the test. For my commencement daughter, I came almost every solar daytime to bow, but I've solely been coming on the weekends alongside my hubby this fourth dimension because of the virus. I pray alongside my whole pump hoping that my miss tin terminate overcome this pandemic together with earn results that are reflective of her hard work." 

Compared to terminal year, the total of people visiting has been cutting inwards one-half due to the virus. About 3,000 see every weekend, together with 1,000 on the weekdays. 

A managing director of the place explained, "I run into people wearing thick padding jackets come upwardly earlier the sun's fifty-fifty up. I retrieve parents are feeling to a greater extent than desperate because of the difficulties the virus has brought." 


1. [+763, -40] I know that this is but a reflection of how desperate our parents experience for us, but I felt together with hence pressured whenever I saw my woman nurture together with grandmother expire to pray at this. I did halt upwardly getting into the college together with major I wanted but I don't retrieve I could've handled it if I had been rejected. The best means to back upwardly your pupil correct directly is non making a big bargain of it the calendar week leading upwardly to the exam together with but making certain they larn a skillful repast on the morn of. 

2. [+660, -32] None of this volition aid your kid. Only endeavor volition accomplish their dreams.

3. [+447, -26] Yup, every year, it's ever bustling alongside people roughly this time. I but promise that everyone's beingness cautious of the virus together with that all their wishes come upwardly true.

4. [+34, -5] What a waste product of fourth dimension ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ kids who were meant to arrive volition arrive ㅋ Just remain domicile where it's warm, what's the indicate of whatever of this? You're actually trekking all the means out to a boulder to pray to? ㅋㅋ

5. [+25, -2] I sympathize how these parents must feel... but create you lot actually retrieve your pocket-sized tin terminate larn into SKY because you lot prayed at a rock?

6. [+23, -3] Can't believe we're inwards the 21st century together with this is all the same happening..

7. [+19, -1] I sympathize how they experience but doing this won't modify your student's grades. Your grades are a reflection of your skills. Just remain domicile together with accept aid of your kid.

8. [+18, -4] The pump of a mother...

9. [+15, -4] As if this changes anything? Just expire domicile together with brand something yummy for the kids... don't waste product your unloose energy hither together with halt upwardly fainting together with needing to telephone telephone 911..

10. [+13, -0] Just pray at domicile ㅜ

11. [+13, -7] Whether the kids larn into the schoolhouse or non doesn't matter.. this is but the solely thing that parents tin terminate create inwards this moment. To all the parents together with exam takers out there, delight continue the virus inwards heed equally you lot prepare.

12. [+12, -0] In this world, it's a hard life fifty-fifty later you lot larn into your dream school. Mothers, delight don't stress yourselves out over this. You're putting your wellness at jeopardy together with that'll survive to a greater extent than of a burden on your kids than anything else.


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